
Essays / 作文集

This semester the students spent a lot of time learning to structure their thoughts in order to present ideas logically and persuasively in written form. The students selected their two favorite essays from the semester. Writings all revolved around the topics of perceptions of value, reuse, environmental protection, and energy usage. They are listed here according to topic.

本學期的寫作課運用了大量時間強化學生思維能力,並引導他們通過寫作的方式,將自己的想法具有邏輯性和說服力地表達。本學期寫作的主題皆圍繞著價值觀的認知、資源再利用、環保與能源。每位學生選擇 了兩篇他們最為滿意的作文在此頁面展示,下列為他們選擇的作文 (按主題排序)。

You can find all of the students' essays on their individual essay pages here 下列為學生的作文集連結(按學生姓名的英文字母順序排序):

  • essays.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/02/09 00:57
  • by scott.chen