
Types of Environment and Water

By Yuna Wu


In Mr.Cheng's presentation, he talked about the different types of environment, water pollution, and wastewater.

There are three types of environment: natural environment, human environment, and human-made environment. The first kind of environment is the natural environment. What is the natural environment? The natural environment is natural, not created by people. For example: sunlight, air, water, soil, land, minerals, forests, wild animals. These are all natural, not created by man. The second kind of environment is human-made environment. What is the human-made environment? The human-made environment is created by man. For example, the current laws, buildings, cities, playgrounds, and so on. These are all so-called human-made environments, created by people. The third kind of environment is the human environment. What is the human environment? The human environment is created by people, just like the human-made environment. But the human environment is the monuments, historic sites, and cultures of human beings. This is the human environment, the relics of early human culture.

The environment has now been destroyed by human beings. The human environment will create water pollution and wastewater. Water pollution is one of the things that we have polluted. So what is water pollution? Water pollution is the change of water quality due to the intervention of material, biological, or energy, which affects its normal use or endangers people's health and living environment. Pollution refers to any substance, organism, or energy that can cause water pollution. Water pollution will make the environment get bad, and is not good for people too. Because water pollution will let water be bad. If the water that we drink is bad, it will affect our health.

Wastewater refers to water that contains pollutants generated outside of the business, such as domestic sewage generated by people in their daily lives. Wastewater refers to water containing pollutants generated during manufacturing, operations, natural resource development, or in the operating environment, such as industrial wastewater and agricultural wastewater. Every time we discharge wastewater into the ocean is harmful to the ocean and bad for human beings. Because if we discharge wastewater into the ocean, then the fish will be infected by wastewater, and they will be sick. And then we beings fish from the ocean to sell to others to eat, and then human beings eat the fish infected by the wastewater will get sick. So this is bad for the environment and human beings.

If we do not treat the environment properly and let water pollution everywhere, it is not good for the environment, human beings, and animals. We should protect the environment and do good things for nature according to our ability. For example, use less plastic, save paper, etc. Nature is good so that people can live in a good environment.







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  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:23
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