
Fantastic Flowers / 令人嘖嘖稱奇的花朵

In addition to programming and 3D design skills, our semester-end target involved the usage of 2D design skills to complete our final product for our social partners. Students improved in their 2D design skills this year. Integrating those skills with some science learning, they imagined and created imaginary flowers and then presented them in infographics. Those graphics demonstrated their knowledge of some of the design principles that they studied in the first half of the semester. This task also involved the use of science knowledge learned in biology class.


Click on the thumbnail images below to see their complete work, including each stage from initial concept to final design.


Anna Yang Olivia Wang Brendan Hsu Howard Lee Ingram Chung Larissa Kuo Lucas Tam Oliver Wang Ron Liu Steve Wang Yiler Huang Yuna Wu Zoey Lin

  • fantastic_flowers.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/23 00:18
  • by scott.chen