
About this Project and Website 關於本學期的專案及網站

About This Project and Website 關於這學期的專案及網站

The topic choice of this semester was one which was in accordance with the Ontario Board of Education curriculum, and more importantly was in regards to a real and practical science and social issue which is of importance to the current and future world. The topic of ecosystems, environmental protection, recycling, and sustainability is of obvious import to our generation.

We combined this topic with the topic of perceptions of value and how they shape our daily decision making and consumer behavior. In order to change the current global environmental situation, a change in human behavior across society is needed. Before we as a society change our behavior, the way that we think about “value” and the underlying motivations behind our actions must also change. To prepare the students of the Experimental Junior High Program @ Da'an to take on the challenge of a world-scale problem, we encouraged them to look inside themselves, to reflect and to contemplate why they make the daily decisions they do, and to confirm whether their actions correspond with the values they feel are right and correct.

In addition to this personal introspection, we requested that our students think about themselves not only as individuals but also as members of society. We tasked them with the mission of exercising their rights and responsibilities as citizens and also to use their personal means to better the lives of some other individuals.




This website shows a portion of the work and production of the students at the Experimental Junior High Program @Da'an for the main semester mission. This website serves as a record of our students' learning, acquired skills, utilization and interaction with this knowledge and these abilities. In addition to other websites documenting previous and upcoming student experiences and work, this digital footprint of learning and accomplishment will be greatly valuable for future pursuits in academics and careers, and serve as irrefutable proof of student achievement.

This website is also meant to show the general thinking, design, and structure of this curriculum design and to serve as an example for other friends in education to consider when structuring their own teaching plans.



  • purpose.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/09/21 17:29
  • by yu.lee