
About Our Friends and Partners / 朋友與合作夥伴

The team at the Experimental Junior High Program @Da'an would like to give a loud and sincere thanks to all our friends and partners. They come from industry, academia, and charitable enterprises, and represent the action that needs to be taken both in education and society, to build the future we hope for. In addition to providing us with guidance and knowledge, our friends and partners provided us with much real-world feedback, letting our learning have clear and immediate connection to the real life.


The Environmental Quality Protection Foundation believes that the path towards protecting the environment is not through marches and protests, but rather for citizens to have an accurate understanding of environmental issues, to push for better government policies, and to be personally involved. EQPF cooperates with academia, performing surveys, research, inspections, and record-keeping, sharing findings and reports and sounding the alarm for environmental issues. While we have domestically been focused on economic issues, causing immeasurable damage to the environment, EQPF sincerely calls for public support and participation in environmental issues, to do our part for Taiwan and the world.

基金會堅信,提升環境品質的不二法門,不是遊行抗爭搞街頭運動,而是民眾普遍具備正確的環境意識,對政府環境政策關心、監督與積極參與。因此,基金會長期與學術界合作,透過調查、研究、檢驗、統計等科學方法,經常地發表與環境品質、安全相關的調查報告或聲明,猶如環境的預警鐘,不斷提醒國人重視環境事務。 由於國內長期以經濟成長為主要決策考量,導致環境生態屢屢被無情地犧牲,衷心期待全民支持並參與基金會推行的環保活動,並參與環保政策的監督行列,為台灣乃至全球的永續發展盡一份心力。

Chang-Ho believes that the future socio-economic reality of the world will be humanistic in nature, with the starting point of us, as humans and our place in the world. Chang-Ho believes in taking care to preserve the environment, striving for sustainability, and for each and every employee to treat clients with honesty and sincerity, and that fulfilling social responsibility is the path towards economic sustainability.

Chang-Ho is an industry leading developer and manufacturer of various materials, particularly with regards to high-performance sports apparel and research and development in innovative materials for sustainability in a variety of industries.

昶和纖維興業相信未來的經濟社會將是以人文為主,以人為出發點,在保護環境的前提下, 永續德經營企業與產品,並且員工都是以誠信對待彼此與客戶,在企業獲利中能兼顧社會責任,讓企業永續經營。


In a world of ever-increasing environmental degradation, we are slowly transitioning from a high-production, high-consumption, and high waste model to a sustainable circular society. In response to this pressing issue and to assist in the movement towards a sustainable society, Hardoff continues to make strides in the business of reuse and recycle.

Not only in Japan, but also to spread the Japanese culture of sustainable reuse in America, Asia, and other areas, Hardoff will continue to contribute towards realizing the goal of a circular society.


不僅在日本,而且要在美國,亞洲和世界其他國家傳播日本的重複使用文化,Hardoff 將繼續為建設循環型社會做出貢獻。

Teach for Taiwan’s main goal is to take on the challenge of imbalance in educational resources, allowing all of Taiwan’s students to enjoy equal educational opportunities. TFT’s mission is to develop and train skilled and responsible teachers and leaders, to distribute them to high-need areas, to cooperatively create high quality learning environments with the local societies, and to continually make efforts towards realizing the goal of equal education.

TFT welcomes individuals of various backgrounds and training to participate in the program, to dedicate themselves for two years, to act as teachers of elementary aged students, and to make a real educational difference.

為台灣而教(Teach for Taiwan,簡稱 TFT )致力於解決「教育不平等」的非營利組織,期望為每一個孩子創造平等的教育機會。

TFT 的使命是培育卓越且有使命感的教師與領導者,與高需求地區協力創造優質的教育環境,帶動一個為孩子的公平發展機會而努力的運動。 TFT 招募多元領域人才加入 TFT 計畫,到高學習需求地區的國小,以老師的身份,用兩年的在地耕耘,為孩子創造平等優質的教育環境。

Over the years, the Tzu Chi foundation has been contributing to better social and community services, medical care, education and humanism in Taiwan and around the world.

Tzu Chi’s missions focus on giving material aid to the needy and inspiring love and humanity to both givers and receivers. In addition to charity, the foundation dedicates itself in the fields of medicine, education, environmental protection, international relief work and the establishment a marrow donor registry. It also promotes humanistic values and community volunteerism.



Gogoro is radically transforming the way power is distributed, stored, and applied in order to meet the challenges faced by cities today. By eliminating barriers to electric fuel and elevating every riding experience, Gogoro is accelerating the shift to smart mobility and sustainable urban lifestyles. The total Gogoro ecosystem is Al powered and cloud-connected to deliver the most accessible energy solution on an open, turn-key platform, making it easier to adopt, more efficient to operate, and faster to scale. Gogoro develops future-proof technologies that meet today's demands while continually optimizing to meet tomorrow's as well.

Gogoro 的全方位生態使用人工智慧及雲端連接,使得這種能源解決方案簡單使用,高效率,易擴展。Gogoro 發展因應未來的科技,滿足今日的使用,也透過不斷改良準備來日的需求。 Gogoro 以嶄新的方式改變能源的分配,儲存,和使用,以便解決現今都市的挑戰。通過減低電能使用的門檻,提高每次通勤體驗的品質,Gogoro 推動世界進入智慧運輸和可持續性的都市生活型態。

Momentum serves as Taiwan's largest athletic product retailer, with the goal of relentlessly energizing people and society. In addition to providing impeccable service to customers, Momentum emphasizes the training of its service staff and the quality of its facilities, all with the goal of providing visitors with the best possible shopping experience.

Momentum's corporate culture emphasizes a human-centric management and operation model and multicultural values. In addition, partnerships with charities and nonprofit foundations form a continuing and widespread program of corporate social responsibility, providing help where there is need. Momentum strives to continue the culture of health, sincerity, and service for the years to come.

摩曼頓為台灣知名連鎖休閒運動品 牌通路,追求源源不絕的活力。除了在服務品質上不斷地追求完美,摩曼頓注重人員教育訓練,硬體設備的要求,務求提供顧客最舒適的購物環境。

摩曼頓企業文化理念著重在於人性 化管理及多元化經營,企業社會責任的發展及回饋則將持續與各大公 益團體及基金會合作,以期能夠幫 助更多弱勢團體,讓企業繼續以 「健康、貼心、服務」的精神永續經營發展。

Geez! Design Studio actualizes client wishes through 3d scanning and sculpting technology, and also provides hands-on classes to educate and enable learners in this process.

Geez! is the sound produced when faced with surprise, wonder, and creativity, exactly the emotions that Geez! strives to provide. In addition, Geez! represents two corporate values: creation without limits being within the reach of everyone, and the realization of dreams and ideas through the use of new technologies and hands-on practice.

Geez! Design Studio 透過數位雕刻建模逆向掃描等科技,與各款式3D列印實作加工等技術應用開發,實現客戶各種創意與產品設計與量產需求。 另外也提供創新設計與趣味實作教學課程服務。

Geez!英文就是驚訝所發出的音,是什麼讓你驚訝驚奇,那就是我們希望帶給大家的,令人嘖嘖稱奇的趣味與創意。 Geez! 這個名稱也代表了企業的雙重理念,天馬行空的創意不應該只是專業的事,透過實作與新技術的應用,未來每個人都是夢想創意的實現者。

Da Guang Elementary School is situated in Heng Chun Township Ping Tung County, a part of Kenting National Park, and a small and compact fishing village elementary school in the south of the country. Most families in this area participate in industries such as fishing, food service, scuba diving, and tourism, high intensity work with long hours. As such, Da Guang Elementary represents the main and sometimes only learning space for their students.

The school leads students on experiences in the ocean, traditional folk music, and energy research, developing an affinity for the native culture, environmental protection, and ability to meet future challenges.



Qing Shan Elementary School is located in the Xizhi District of New Taipei City. Qing Shan leads students to care about nature, develop self confidence, and have thankfulness at heart, all with happiness and positivity in mind. Qing Shan guides students in learning cultural and technological knowledge, to be earnest in their studies, and to learn how to be creative problem solvers.


  • partners.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/09/20 23:23
  • by yu.lee