
About the Experimental Junior High Program @ Da'an 關於實驗國中部(@大安)

The Experimental Junior High Program @ Da'An was a small, experimental education program located in Da'an Middle School. The program was a small team made up of three teachers: Dr. Yu Lee, Mr. Scott Chen, and Dr. Renick Bell. All educational programs, curriculum design, pastoral care, academic materials development, execution of teaching, and relations with academia and industry are conducted in-house.

For any questions about this website, please contact the website administrator, Dr. Renick Bell:

實驗國中部@大安 是一個小型實驗教育計畫 ,目前位於大安國中校内。 實驗國中部@大安的教師團隊由李博士、陳老師及Bell博士三位老師所組成。所有的課程、教材、身心靈輔導、教學、以及與學界、業界的接洽皆由三位老師執行和開發。

The teachers are: Dr. Yu Lee, Mr. Scott Chen, and Dr. Renick Bell.

三位老師為: Lee 博士,Chen 老師,Bell 博士

Dr. Lee is the Junior High Program Designer and Executive Director. He works with students each day, sometimes teaching, but more importantly communicating with them about their thoughts and feelings, assisting them in reflecting on and establishing their personal values and identity. The main academic areas in which Dr. Lee works with students on are related to communication, presentation, problem-solving, marketing, psychology, and social issues. He also designs and leads the weekly house competitions and school special activities and events.

Dr. Lee has worked in international education for more than twenty years, from university to middle school. In connection to his teaching, he has organized and run multiple charity events, curated and hosted special interviews, and led the production and direction of amateur videos, a music album, and a full-length documentary. Dr. Lee holds a Masters Degree in TESOL from Columbia University, Teachers College, and a PhD in Sociolinguistics from Fudan University.

In his free time, Dr. Lee enjoys playing basketball and video games, and shopping and searching for restaurants with his wife and dog Ein. He is a dog lover and enjoys watching programs about animals, especially cute, furry ones.

李有誠博士是國中部的規劃與執行總監。他每日都與學生相處在一起,除了授課以外,他更重視與學生們的交流,在瞭解他們的思維及感受後,協助他們思考並建立起自己的價值觀和人格。 李博士主要授課領域含溝通學、公共演説發表、問題解決流程、行銷學、心理學及社會議題探討等。同時,他也會設計和主導每周的 House 小組競賽和學年中的大大小小的節慶與活動。

李博士在國際教育領域工作超過二十年,涵蓋大學、高中和國中階段。與他的教育理念和方式相連,他不僅組織了多項公益活動,也策劃及主持了多場演講訪談,甚至還自製自導過業餘短片、音樂專輯及紀錄片。 李博士完成了哥倫比亞大學教育學院的教育碩士學位和復旦大學的社會語言學博士學位。

空閑時間裏,李博士喜歡打籃球和電動,也喜歡與太太買衣服,然後到處吃跟他的狗狗愛因找美食。 他是一名愛狗人士,喜歡觀看動物相關節目與影片,尤其是毛絨絨很可愛的那種。

Teachers at this Junior High program are all well-rounded, flexible, and adaptable, which, of course, includes Scott as well! 💪 Aside from educating students in academic areas such as Mathematics, Chinese Language, Physical Education, Science, and Engineering, he also needs to handle student administration, translate documents, and assist in House activities. Occasionally, he would even need to carry out carpentry and plumbing duties. Scott photographs and writes about the activities in school on the ClassDojo website almost daily for parents to better grasp what their child is learning and doing in school.

Having grown up in Canada, Scott often shares his experiences and advises students who want to study abroad in the future. This program's regular one-on-one counseling sessions have helped Scott build a strong rapport with the students. As a result, they trust him and often share their thoughts and feelings with him. The teachers of this program value the information collected this way very highly and takes it into consideration when they plan for classes.

As with Dr. Lee, Scott also loves basketball and follows the NBA on a daily basis. He is a huge Kobe fan and admires not only Kobe's basketball skills but also his work ethic. Scott has a pet Pomeranian called Loki, who is mischievous like the name suggests and loves to eat.

本國中部的老師個個皆多才多藝,且具備彈性的思維與適應力。當然Scott老師也不例外! 💪 除了數學、國文、體育、科學和工程學等領域樣樣精通外,也經常必須處理學生相關的行政事務、翻譯校內的大小公告與文件及協助HOUSE團體活動的進行。有時甚至還會充當木工和水電工。另外,Scott老師也幾乎每日都會化身攝影師,拍攝學生豐富多彩的校園生活照片並上傳於ClassDojo網站,然後加以文字敘述,好讓家長能瞭解孩子在校內的學習狀況。


如同Dr.Lee, Scott老師也熱愛籃球這項運動,關注NBA是他的日常。身為Kobe鐵粉,他所仰慕的不僅是Kobe強大的籃球技術,還有他對工作的負責及上進心。Scott老師有隻寵物博美狗叫「Loki」(北歐神話的惡作劇之神),牠狗如其名地愛調皮搗蛋,更愛吃美食。

Dr. Bell is always telling kids his favorite words: “focus, functions (programming), empathize, and follow instructions”. He studies lots of design and technology with the students, like programming in JavaScript and using open-source design software like Inkscape, GIMP, Blender, Audacity, and OpenShot. He also practices yoga with the students twice a week. He usually spends a lot of time on the details and has been known to make kids do things “over and over” in order to make things better ;-)

When he's not at school, he's working on his professional art practice and research related to algorithmic music and art. He received his PhD from Tama Art University in Tokyo. You can find out more here. Contact Dr. Bell at

貝爾博士總是在提醒孩子們他最喜歡四個詞語:「專注、函式(程式編輯)、同理心及遵照指示」。 他教導學生很多與設計和科技方面相關的技術,比如運用 JavaScript 寫程式和使用如Inkscape、GIMP、Blender、Audacity 及 OpenShot等開源設計軟體。 每週還會與學生進行兩次的瑜伽課程。 他對於學生在細節的注重上非常地要求,經常花用大量的時間,讓學生們一遍又一遍地改進他們的作業及作品。;-)

平時他會利用課外的閒暇時間,持續他對演算法音樂及藝術的專業研究和訓練。 他的博士學位來自東京多摩美術大學。 在這裡可以找到更多關於貝爾博士的資訊: 欲聯絡貝爾博士請來信

  • vis-daan.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/09/20 23:12
  • by yu.lee