
Old Chairs, New Value 舊椅子、新價值

One of our most important themes this semester was “creating new value from used materials”, and there was no better place to start than from our own possessions, including those from inside the classroom! For those of you who have been following the adventures of Junior High@ Da'an, you know that we previously designed, built, and decorated our own chairs which we used for a whole school year.

After admirably serving their purposes for a full year, they began to see some wear and tear, so we created new value in the classroom using our old chairs.

This semester, we reused the materials to again design and build needed fixtures in our classroom, including an audio equipment cabinet, a large cleaning equipment double rack, a recycling material sorting unit, and a food waste disposal stand. We've been using our self-made upcycled furniture for a semester now, and are quite proud of our own improvements in understanding and following the design process.

本學期重要的主題之一為 「利用舊材料創造新價值」,而最佳著手點莫過於教室裏學生自身會使用的物品。對於長期觀察國中部@大安的朋友們,你們一定知道上學年我們的學生設計、製造、上漆及裝飾了自己的上課座椅。



  • old-chairs.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/06/06 20:53
  • by yu.lee