
Yuna Wu

One thing I think I improved the most in this semester is my math. I think math is the greatest thing that I'd improved this semester. Before some people teach me math questions, I understand them really slow, but now other people teach me math questions, I can understand them faster. And also I calculate faster than before.

The thing I want to improve next semester is my English. I want to improve my English next semester because I can understand what people are saying to me in English, but I can't express my feelings. I'm really bad at speaking English to people. So I have to improve my English.

In this semester we learn about recycling. We went to Hard-Off to sell things we don't need. I felt that when we went to Hard-Off to sell things, I didn't really want to sell them, but I convinced myself that others might need it.

我覺得在這個學期我進步最多的是我的數學。 我覺得數學是我進步最多的原因是之前別人教我數學題的時候我很難去理解他們在講什麼,但是現在別人教數學題的時候我理解得更快了。而且我的算數學的速度也比上個學期更快了。



  • yuna-wu.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 19:23
  • by larissa.kuo