
Yuna Wu's Generative Flower

By Yuna Wu

My Code

This code is the code that I made Flowers. And this flower have eyes and it have many different colors.

function setup() {
  createCanvas(1700, 800);
function pick (inputArray) {
  return inputArray[Math.floor(inputArray.length * Math.random())]
function randomRange (min, max) {
  return min + ((max-min) * Math.random())
//The function that can choose a color
function randomColor () {
  let colors=["lightcoral","pink","lightblue","yellow", "lavender", "orange"];
  let colorNow = Math.floor(Math.random()*6);
  return colors[colorNow]
function buildArray (n, fillFunction) {
  let outputArray = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  return outputArray
class Petals {
  constructor (startingX, startingY, pSize, Color) 
  { this.positionX = startingX;
   this.positionY = startingY;
   this.size = pSize;
   this.color = Color;
  draw() {
    if (this.color == "lightblue") {return ellipse(this.positionX+180-155, this.positionY+0, this.size/3, this. size);}
    else {}
/*function twoRects (x,y,size,thinOrThick) {
  if (thinOrThick == "thin")
    {return rect (x,y,size/3,size)}
  else {return rect (x,y,size,size)}
class Flower {
  constructor (fSizemin, fSizemax, Color, startingX, startingY)
  { this.size = randomRange(fSizemin, fSizemax);
    this.color = Color;
    this.positionX = startingX;
    this.positionY = startingY;
    if (this.color == "random") {this.color = randomColor()}
  draw () {
     if(this.color == "yellow") {this.positionX = randomRange(750, 1645); this.positionY = this.positionY + 100}  
    else if (this.color == "lightcoral") {this.positionY=this.positionY + 400; this.positionX=randomRange(10, 690)} 
    else if (this.color == "lavender") {this.positionX=randomRange(750, 1645); this.positionY=this.positionY + 400}
    else if (this.color == "orange") {this.positionX=randomRange(10, 700); this.positionY = this.positionY + 100}
    else if (this.color == "lightblue") {this.positionX=randomRange(10, 700); this.positionY = this.positionY + 250}
    else if (this.color == "pink") {this.positionX=randomRange(750, 1645); this.positionY = this.positionY + 250}
     ellipse(this.positionX+180-155, this.positionY+0, this.size,             this.size);
     ellipse(this.positionX+165-155, this.positionY+180-130, this.size,      this.size);
     ellipse(this.positionX+0, this.positionY+150-130, this.size,            this.size);
     ellipse(this.positionX+197-155, this.positionY+181-130, this.size,      this.size);
     ellipse(this.positionX+205-155, this.positionY+150-130, this.size,      this.size); 
     //center of flower
     fill(245, 233, 203);
     ellipse(this.positionX+180-155, this.positionY+160-130, 40, 40);
     ellipse(this.positionX+172-155, this.positionY+156-130, 5, 15);
     ellipse(this.positionX+185-155, this.positionY+156-130, 5, 15);
let randomFlowers = buildArray(600,i => new Flower(30, 35, "random", randomRange(0,250), 10));
let last5Random = buildArray(5,i => new Flower(30*2, 35*2, "random", randomRange(0,250), 10));
let bigFlower = buildArray(1,i => new Flower(30*3, 35*3, "orange", randomRange(0,250), 10));
//let Petals1 = buildArray(600,i => new Petals(30+Math.random()*255, 30+Math.random()*255,100,"lightblue"));
let randomFlowers2 = buildArray(600,i => new Flower(30, 35, "random", randomRange(0,250), 500));
function draw() {
  background(140, 197, 237);
  //let flower1 = new Flower(30, 35, "lightcoral", randomRange(0,250), 80);
  randomFlowers2.forEach(x => x.draw())
  randomFlowers.forEach(x => x.draw())
  last5Random.forEach(x => x.draw())
  bigFlower.forEach(x => x.draw())
  //r1 = twoRects (100,100,100,'thin');
  p1= new Petals(150,150,100,"lightblue");

  • yuna-wu-generative.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/24 00:15
  • by renick