
Making Cool Epoxy Resin Models

By Yuna Wu


During this semester we have done many scientific experiments, such as “Casting Epoxy Resin in Mold”.

I started with the idea that I would not use it very well, and it turns out that it is not very good. To do this experiment, you have to be careful not to get epoxy on your hands, because it's hard to wash. I first take a cup with epoxy resin and then adjust the color, I adjust the color is on the orange side. After I finished mixing the color, I stirred the color and epoxy resin together. After stirring well, I poured it into the mold I prepared in advance. You can't do this too slowly because the epoxy may dry out in 30 minutes, so you have to do it fast. Because I wanted it to be pretty, I put a pine cone in before I poured the epoxy and sprinkled some gold glitter after the epoxy was in place. After decorating, I just waited for it to dry. After it dries, it will solidify and become a bit elastic.

My experiment was a success, it wasn't very pretty but is set. I think the reason I succeeded in that I stirred it well and I poured it into the mold before it dried out.

I learned from this scientific experiment how to make a specimen, and I also realized through this experiment that you have to do things quickly. Because in the experiment, the epoxy resin may start to harden within 30 minutes, so you have to hurry.  This made me understand that you have to do things fast or the results may fail because you don't grasp the time well.

I think life is to have the spirit of experimentation, and only with the spirit of experimentation will you find out more things you did not know. I think people should also know how to cherish time and do things efficiently to get good results. Let's cherish the time and seize the opportunity to make the results of everything we do better!


我一開始是想說會我不會用的很好,事實證明的確不是很好。做這個實驗要先小心手不會被環氧樹脂沾到,因為那個很難洗。我先拿一個杯子裝環氧樹脂,然後再調色,我調的顏色是偏橘紅色。調完顏色之後我把調好的色素和環氧樹脂攪拌均勻。攪拌均勻後把它倒進我提前準備好的模具裡。 做這些事情的速度不能太慢,因為環氧樹脂30分鐘內就有可能幹掉所以要快。因為我想要它漂亮一點,所以我在倒環氧樹脂前放了一顆松果進去,並且在到好環氧樹脂之後灑了一些金色亮粉。裝飾好之後我就直接等它曬乾了。曬乾之後它會凝固,然後有點彈性。




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  • Last modified: 2023/10/20 19:32
  • by yu.lee