
Toy for Qingshan: Garbage Recycling Forest Friends

Favorite Toy
iPad、switch、角落生物、robot 、公仔、 七龍珠、彩虹小馬、bear、積木、恐龍We can paint some pictures on it.
Favorite Cartoon
超人力霸王、魷魚遊戲、新聞、角落生物、 七龍珠、哆啦A夢、寶可夢Maybe the toy can be a model that moves or changes types. and because almost all the cartoons that they choose are from japan so maybe the toy can be japan style.
Favorite Animals
I think they like animals a lot. so maybe animals can be the theme of the toy.
Favorite Color
Favorite Food
What they like to do during breaktime
Racing carI guess they like the thing that can move and they can play with.
Favorite subject
PEThe toy should not be too difficult to play. because I guess if their favorite subject is PE then maybe they don’t like to think.

1. How are you going to start this meeting?

Say hi to them→Tell them to sit down→Tell them the theme today we will talk about →Tell them if they pay attention what they can get

2. What further kind of information will you hope to get?

1.what are their feelings about the design? 2.do they like the color of each object? 3.do they like the function of the design? 4.do they like the style of the design? 5.do you have anything you want to remove?

3. How can you ensure that you get the information you are looking for?

just ask them

4. How are you going to stop your client from losing focus on the meeting?

Ask their teacher for help, talk about the things that they are interested in.

5. What are some physical limitation details of your design that you are worried about?

I think our designs are not too difficult to print, but there is some problem. for the board that’s holding the ball. I think maybe it has to be divided into many parts to print, because it is too big. and for the dolls, I think I need to discuss more about how to print it. I think everything else should be fine.

6. What are some details about your design that you are not sure your client will like?

I think there should be no problems at the moment.

7. What are some details about your design that you are not sure your client will understand in the way you hope they will?

I guess our designs are simple enough for second grade students.

  1. 一次幾個人可以玩?
  2. 一個人要抽幾顆球?
  3. 桶子有哪五種?
  4. 寶特瓶是什麼類?
  5. 說出五個是紙類的垃圾
  6. 特殊球的功能?
  7. 投進3顆的話是幾分?
  8. 都投錯怎麼辦?
  9. 要站在離桶子多遠的地方投球?
  10. 怎麼量?

  • qingshan-recycling-forest-friends.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 04:54
  • by yuna.wu