
Olivia Wang

Hi, I'm Olivia. In this semester I improved my Inkscape skills. I used my free time to keep practicing how to use Inkscape to draw pictures and how to collocate colors. Drawing helps me to relax and organize my thoughts. I try to use color to show my emotion, that's fun.

Next semester I would like to try somethings I don't like. In this semester I'm not interested in the theme, so I'm immersed in my little world most of the time. I think next semester I should try to step out of my comfort zone, because I can’t always just do the things I like.

In this semester the CEO of Hard-Off came to our school to introduced what is Hard-Off. Hard-off is a second-hand store from Japan. People can take things that are not needed anymore to Hard-Off. Hard-Off will buy these items at a low price, and make these things that you no longer need to become someone’s treasure. The CEO of Hard-Off also talk about many things about “Value”, which changed my thoughts a lot. I really like to buy stuff, but usually it's not because I need, is because I want. so I have a lot of useless stuff in my house, but that's the reason for the existence of Hard-Off. I learned that the stuff I don't need might become someone's treasure. Everything have some kind of value to someone. When a thing don't have any meaning to any person, then it really become a trash.

哈囉,我是Olivia。在這個學期,我提升了我的 Inkscape 技能。我利用我的休息時間不斷地去練習如何使用Inkscape繪製圖片以及如何搭配顏色。我嘗試用​​顏色來表達我的當下的心境,我覺得這很有趣。繪畫會幫助我放鬆和整理思緒。


這學期Hard-Off的CEO來我們學校介紹了什麼是Hard-Off。 Hard-off 是一家來自日本的二手店,人們可以將不需要的東西帶到 Hard-Off 。 Hard-Off 會以低價收購這些物品,讓這些你不再需要的東西成為別人的寶藏。 Hard-Off的CEO也講了很多關於“價值”的事情,這改變了我很多想法。我真的很喜歡買東西,但通常不是因為我需要,而是因為我想要,所以我家裡有很多沒有用的東西,但這就是Hard-Off存在的原因。我了解到我不需要的東西不一定會成為垃圾,可能也會成為某個人的寶藏。所有事物都應該具有著某種價值,當一件事物對任何人都沒有任何意義時,那才是真的變成了垃圾。

  • olivia-wang.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 19:03
  • by larissa.kuo