
Toy for Daguang: Apphia

This is the first time I met the Daguang student 1v1.

純佳 is very lively and generous.

When I talk to 純佳 l feel like she was very generous person. She shared a lot of information with me. Also I feel she is a cool girl, because the answer that she gave me is very special. Like I don't think that girls will choose the picture that has fire in it, but she did choose that. She likes orderly things. She likes to ride the bicycle in her freetime. She doesn't like math because it needs to use your brain a lot, but she thinks that is too tiring. She knew what she wanted very clearly, so she gave a good answer to all of my questions.

And I guess that she has strong possessiveness and she wants to be special, because she wants a special basketball that nobody else will have. and she wants to have a dog, she wants to arrange everything for the dog, like a house, some clothes…etc.

She like sport a lot, I think is Shaped by the environment, because the place that she lives in has not too many places to go(like shopping mall, zoo, store…etc). The only place they can go and do is bicycle, basketball, 鬼抓人…etc. so that's what I guess about why she like sport a lot.

And she knew very clearly about fishing and fish delivery time, I guess that is because they are close to the ocean so maybe there's a lot of people's job it's about fishing and restaurants.

This is the second time I met the Daguang student. This time I show her the first sketch.

This is the third time I met the Daguang student. This time I show her the final design and make sure this is the toy she wants.

Background Story of Apphia

This little girl is named Apphia. She was born in a basketball family. Her dad is a professional basketball player and her brother is a professional basketball player, so she started to play basketball when she was a kid. However, from the time she was born, the air quality in this world has been getting worse and worse, causing the little girl’s lungs to be very unhealthy. She often has difficulty breathing. Therefore, the little girl must stand on a leaf all the time to make sure she can breathe in the fresh and clean air. After the little girl's continuous efforts and practice at basketball, she has now become one of the best female basketball players in the world, and the thing that represents her the most is the leaf that is inseparable from her.

這個小女孩的名字叫做Apphia, 她出生在一個籃球世家,她的爸爸是一個職業籃球員,她的哥哥也是一個職業籃球員,所以她從小就喜歡打籃球,但從她出生以來,這個世界的空氣就越來越差,導致小女孩的肺很不健康,運動一下下便會氣喘吁吁的,所以小女孩必須時時刻刻站在一片葉子上,確保她能夠呼吸到新鮮又乾淨的空氣。經過小女孩不斷的努力和練習,現在她成為了世界上最優秀的女籃球員之一,而她最具代表性的便是她的一頭藍髮和那片與她形影不離的葉子。

In this video she already get the toy. I get some feedback from her.

  • olivia-wang-daguang.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:08
  • by olivia.wang