
by Olivia Wang

The science class is a course that must be followed step by step. Many people feel bored because of cumbersome and difficult scientific knowledge. Many scientific experiments must have specific materials and equipment, and it feel like there is no opportunity to use them in our daily lives. so people will not be interested. In today's essay, I will share a simple experiment that is a little more interesting than the other ones. I will talk about experimental practices, our experimental results and recommendations, and science classes are not just about teaching science.

First, the lesson I want to share is “Charge cellphone with fruits”. The reason I chose to share this lesson was because my phone ran out of power on that day, so I really wanted to make this experiment successful. Then I could charge my cellphone, so this class whould be my most impressive science class in this semester. The materials we needed were fruits, salt water, metal, and wires. After preparing the materials, we needed to test the voltage generated by each fruit itself. We did this by using a special machine, the machine have a head to connected to the wires and we touch this head to the metal which was inside the fruits, then the machine will show the number of fruit's voltage. Next, we started to use wires to connect the metal which were inside the fruits. This process must ensure that the wires are in good contact and that the fruits are evenly covered with salt water. Then you can connect the phone and test whether the battery is enough to charge the phone.

After our experiment, the result is not as expected. even though we have combined all the different fruits. there is no way to reach the power required to charge the phone. We think there are several possible factors that caused the experiment to fail. First, different brands and models of cellphones require different power levels. Second, our fruits may not have reached a certain amount, and we did not arrange them neatly at the beginning, so it may lead to poor contact and poor power supply. Thirdly, the concentration of salt water is also one of the key points. Salt water that is too weak will not help the fruit to energize, and too thick will have the same result. If you want to make this experiment go more smoothly, I suggest that when placing the fruits at the beginning, the fruits should be placed neatly to avoid irregular power supply and poor contact. Then, at regular intervals, it is necessary to confirm whether each piece of fruit is evenly stained with salt water, or whether the salt water has been dried out. so as to prevent the experiment from failing all the time. In the end, it turns out that it was only because the salt water dried out.

After the above description, I believe that everyone has a general understanding of this scientific experiment. Next, I want to talk about what I have learned about things other than science in science class. As mentioned earlier, science is a course that must be completed step by step. A little error will affect the results of the experiment. So I think what I learned in the science class this semester is actually to face things with a rigorous and focused attitude. This skill can not only be used in science, it also can help you in every field. It will train you to pay attention to details and focus on the work in front of you, reducing your chances of making mistakes. This is one of the biggest thing I learn from the science class in this semester.

To sum up the above points, Experimental Practices, Our Experimental Results and Recommendations, Science Classes are not just teaching science. I hope everyone can use some scientific method in their lives. This is not just for fun, at the same time, when you are facing different things, you can take the rigor and focus of doing experiments to help you work. so that you can reduce the occurrence of mistakes.

by Olivia Wang






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  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:04
  • by olivia.wang