
Olivia Wang's Thoughts on Trash, Materials, and Value

Infographics final edition

this two pictures is about a famliy in our class uesd of plastic, paper in a week.

Show and Tell Toy

This video is about what toy I play when I was a kid.

My Parents Play with Toys

This video is about what toy my mom play with when she were a kid.

Unboxing Intro of Special Items in My Home

This video is about some stuff is always in my house, but I never know the function and why it is over there.

Reuse as a Personal Economic Activity

This video is about some stuff I don't need it anymore, but I think it can make some value for others.

Conclusion, Reuse as a Personal Economic Activity

This video is about what my thoghts changed after we went to Hard-Off.

Essays about Hard-Off Click here

Thoughts on "Value" and the Meaning Behind Things

What factors made me who I am now? What factors changed me? In today's essay, we will mainly discuss “value”, which includes the build of value to me and the impact on my life and the “Value” that we talk about in this semester, What changed my thoughts? While reading this essay, you can also think about who you are? What do you think about “Value”?

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  • olivia-wang-stuff.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 00:23
  • by olivia.wang