
Shopping can also Protect the Environment

by Olivia Wang

This week we ushered in our first outdoor teaching this semester. This time the outdoor teaching location is the Hard-Off in Taoyuan. This is a second-hand store from Japan. People can take things that are not needed anymore to Hard-Off. Hard-Off will buy these items at a low price, and make these things that you no longer need to become someone’s treasure.

When you walk into Hard-Off, its storefront gives people a sense of clutter and disorganization. There are many kinds of things in it, including CDs, electric guitars, dummy models… I found a rabbit bag among the stuff in the store. which taught me a way to solve the entanglement when shopping. First, before you buy something, you can consider what value it has to you. such as “It will make you happy, look good, reduce your stress, keep warm, or it will reduce your work.” . Like this time when I was struggling whether to buy a bunny bag, the teacher suggested that I consider the value of this bag to me, and then I began to think “Will buying this bag make me happy? It can be used when I go out? Can I put all my stuff inside?”. Then I thought about many objects in the same way, and finally I thought that I actually didn’t need it. In this way, Not only did I save a fortune, but I also avoided buying a lot of things that I would never use after I bought it back.

Hard-Off is a store for people who like to buy things, people who want to sell stuff, because there are too many things in the house, or those who like to buy things but don’t want to spend too much money. Hard-Off provides a satisfying place where everyone needs it. Everyone comes to Hard-Off for different reasons, but they all can achieve their respective needs in Hard-Off. I think this is a very special thing. Hard-Off provides people with an opportunity to share resources, so that we can all obtain new value without creating new objects. and conform to people’s inertia to like the new and dislike the old. Hard-Off cleverly reuses the same objects, but makes them continue to create new value, so this has prompted a situation where all kinds of people can be satisfied in Hard-Off.

The concept of Hard-Off is the same as the concept of circular economy. What humans produce is actually enough for people to use, so if we can reuse these resources, then our harm to the environment will be much reduced. Some things we may not need, but if these things are placed in different places, then it may be a vital existence for someone or something.

Back to our title “Environmental protection while shopping”. When we're shopping, first think about the value of this shopping to you in your head, and measure whether it is worth it? so that you can maximize the value of each shopping, and at the same time weed out things you no longer need, cut off, discard, and leave. In order to achieve resource recycling. Even if you don't need it anymore, let it create new value for others, instead of letting it waste time and waste a lifetime in a certain corner of the world.


by Olivia Wang


一走進Hard-Off,它的店面給人一種雜而不亂的感覺,裡面有著各式各樣的東西,有CD、電吉他、假人模特……。我在這滿屋子的東西裡找到了一個兔子的包包,這讓我學到了一個解決買東西時糾結的方法。首先,在買東西之前,你可以考慮一下這東西對你來說有什麼價值,像是「它會讓你開心、變好看、減少你的壓力、保暖又或者是會減少你的工作」之類的……。像我這次在糾結要不要買兔子包包的時候,老師建議我考慮一下這個包包對我的價值,然後我就開始思考「買這個包包會讓我開心嗎? 我出去玩的時候它可以裝得下我的東西嗎?」…..等等,接著我以同樣的方式思考了很多個物件,到最後想了想,結果就會發現我其實並不需要它,這樣一來,我不只省了一筆錢,也避免買了很多買回去後根本不會用的東西。


Hard-Off的概念和circular economy的概念是一樣的,我們所生產出來的東西其實已經夠用了,所以如果我們能重複地利用這些資源,那麼我們對環境的危害就會減少很多。有些東西我們或許並不需要,但是如果把這些東西放在不同的位置,那麼它對某個人或某件事來說可能會是至關重要的存在。


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  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:02
  • by olivia.wang