
Zoey Lin

Hello! My name is Zoey.

I think this semester I improved a lot and learned a lot of new things a lot too. But the biggest improvement is that I learn more coding and I finish all the assignments for Dr. Bell and I try to fix problems I had by myself if I can. So I learn a lot from myself and Dr. Bell.

We wrote a lot of articles this semester, but I did not write them sometimes because I did not know how to write and I had no idea about articles. then I will not turn in homework. So I want to learn how to write more and read more books to improve my writing and make my writings better.

Everybody throws garbage every day and most people do not know where the garbage go so they keep throwing garbage. That is bad and the earth will not be good. So use less of things that can only be used once.

這學期我進步了很多,但最大的進步是我學到了更多的編碼,我完成了Dr.bell的所有作業,如果可以的話,我嘗試自己解決問題。所以我從我自己和 DR.bell 那裡學到了很多東西。

這學期我們寫了很多文章,但有一段時間沒有寫,因為我不知道怎麼寫,對文章也沒有概念。那我這個作業就要遲到了。 所以我想學習更多的寫作和閱讀更多的書來提高我的寫作能力,後來我的寫作變得更好了。


  • zoey-lin.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:00
  • by renick