
Toy for Daguang: Cat Alien

1. What is their favorite free time activity?tag(鬼抓人)Ghost catches peopleBecause they said they like to play this game.
2. Who are their favorite stars?Crayon Shin-chan(蠟筆小新)Because they said so
3. What do they like to watch on YouTube?5 min DIY(Is a youtube channel)Because they have DIY wristbands
4. What food do they often eat for lunch?Sashimi and seafoodBecause the normal school healthy
5. The place they often go to after school?go home or go to the beachBecause they are near the beach. I guess their homework is not that important to them. Or the homework is not that much because in the meeting they say they want their scores from homework
Then they have time to play outside.
6. What sort of industries or businesses their parents might work in?fisher or open a restaurantBecause they are near the sea and they know very clearly about the steps of fishing and when the ingredients will arrive at the restaurant.
7. Something they really want to buy?dessert and gamecardbecause they have switch in their class so I think they want to buy.
8. What is one of their dreams in life?* Youtuber * Athlete * Bartender(調酒師) * Beauty blogger(美妝博主)because they say so
  • She likes to play games and She is good at playing games.
  • She likes cats and She has one cat at her home.
  • She likes rabbits and She has rabbits in her home.
  • She likes to play shooting games. She plays shooting games every day in her free time.
  • She likes blue but she likes to wear white clothes.

Background Story for DaGuang Toy

English Version

Along time ago when a cat was walking with his owner, the cat was suddenly taken away, and when his owner found out it was too late, but the owner continued to look for the cat, always looking, always looking, always looking for, But still can't find, after many years the cat's owner has died, because he is too old. He is dead, but he still can't find the cat. On Halloween, when the owner's son went to the candy toy store to ask for sugar, he saw cat candy and cat pinballs. Looking at toys and candy, he thought of his father's cat, and then he tried to eat candy and then thought of his father. He really liked the candy toy store, but by tomorrow it was gone because it was a dream.

Chinese Version

很久很久以前有一隻貓和他的主人一起散步時,貓咪突然被抓走,當他的主人發現時已經太晚了,但主人還是繼續尋找貓咪,一直找,一直找,一直找,但還是沒找到,過了多年這隻貓的主人已經死了,因為他太老了。他死了,但他仍然找不到那隻貓。 在一個 Helloween 上,當主人的兒子去糖果玩具店要糖的時候,他看到了貓糖和貓彈球,看著玩具和糖果,他想到了他爸爸的貓,然後他試圖吃糖果,然後 想道他的父親。 他真的很喜歡這家糖果玩具店,但到明天這家店舊消失了,因為這是一場夢。

  • zoey-lin-daguang.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/18 22:45
  • by renick