
Zoey Lin's Thoughts on Trash, Materials, and Value

Made By Zoey Lin

YunaYuna’s MomYuna’s DadYunaYuna’s MomYuna’s DadYuna's Famliy
MeMy MomMy DadMeMy MomMy DadMy Famliy

cartoons:無敵鐵金剛、海王子、小甜甜、林犬萊西、科學小飛俠 games/toys:玩彈珠、打紙牌、跳格子、123木頭人、跳繩、跳族桿、打水漂、毽子、彈珠台、騎馬打仗、捉迷藏、猜數字遊戲

2. What is a toy dad and mom really really wanted, but your parents wouldn't get for you? What reason did they give for not getting you the toy? What did you think at that time? Did you have a friend who had that toy?

Barbie is too expensive and My mom does not want to spend money this way. 芭比娃娃太貴阿媽,買不起。媽媽覺得太貴不需要把錢花在這裡。 Would my mom buy that toy for herself? no, my mom says so

3. What was mom and dad’s favorite toy from childhood?

Playing with mud, Because mud can squeeze a lot of things. 玩泥巴,因為泥巴可以捏出很多東西而且也可以捏出自己想要的東西。

4. Do you (your parent) feel that the toys people play with when they are children will influence what kind of adults they become? Give an example to explain why you think this.

My mother thinks so, because brain development before the age of 3 is very important, and it is necessary to buy some toys that can stimulate the development of the brain, so as to make the development of the brain more sound. 媽媽覺得會,因為3歲以前的腦部發育很重要,要買一些可以刺激腦部發育的玩具,才能讓腦部的發育更健全。

5. What toys did you buy for me when I was really really young? Why did you buy those for me?

Blocks: Every child loves to play and can brainstorm. 積木:每個小朋友都愛玩,而且可以腦力激盪。

I believe that when you are a child, you must have some toys that you don't play with or toys that you don't want to play with, and I also have a lot of small toys or things in my room that have not been played or used. So my cupboard will be messy.

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  • zoey-lin-stuff.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/24 23:10
  • by zoey.lin