
Trash into treasure

Made by Zoey Lin


I believe that when you are a child, you must have some toys that you don't play with or toys that you don't want to play with, and I also have a lot of small toys or things in my room that have not been played or used. So my cupboard will be messy. When I was a child, I would try to persuade my mother to let me leave these things behind, and when I grew up, I loved to be clean, so I would clean regularly, and in the process of cleaning, I would find more clothes that I couldn't wear or toys that I didn't want to play, and finally, I put it together and threw it away or gave it to the neighbors.

We went to hard-off this semester, he was a second-hand store this time we went to have a similar task, is to sell their own things that they don't need or use, I really took it to sell some puzzles that I didn't want to play, so they bought my puzzles and then sold them to people who needed puzzles more, where things are not necessarily the best and not necessarily brand new, But he can make my stuff a little more valuable, where he won't buy your stuff at too high a price because instead of letting you buy something, he lets you know what you don't need.

If you really have something you don't need in your house but things are still very new, I would very much recommend that you take them to hard off because you are not only helping you to buy things you don't want but if you take them there, something that may be very useless to you may be useful in the eyes of others.

One of the reasons we've been talking about what value is is that we want to protect the planet and where we're going to protect it. One way is to reduce the things we don't need, so the teacher will ask us why we bought the thing in the first place and what the value and meaning of the thing are to us now. Sometimes I can't tell it myself. It is possible to buy this thing just on impulse, but it may be that this thing is garbage. I may not know much about how garbage is disposed of in Taiwan, but I don't buy things indiscriminately because it is possible that their impulsive impulse will cause damage to the earth.

Everyone is different, don't want it because others have it, so that what you buy may be something you don't like and it's just temporary unless you really like it very much, and if you don't like it and then he becomes a garbage, the reason why we get our unwanted or incomplete toys is to make the earth cleaner






每個人都是不一樣的,不要因為別人有所以自己也想要,這樣子你買的東西有可能是你不喜歡的而且那只是一時的除非你真的非常喜歡,而且如果不喜歡丟掉了之後他又變成一個垃圾,我們之所以把自己不需要或不完的玩具拿到hard off 是因為讓地球變得更乾淨

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  • Last modified: 2022/01/18 23:19
  • by zoey.lin