
Toy for Daguang: Lily

by Yuna Wu

Those picture is the picture that is finished and ready to send to Da Guang's client design.

This toy is for Da Guang's student. This toy's name is Lily.

This is my client

What is their favorite free time activity?

  • They like to play ghost capture because they say it.

Who their favorite star is?

  • Their favorite star is 蠟筆小新 because they say they like to watch it, so I think their star might be him.

What do they like to watch on YouTube?

  • They like to watch 5min DIY.

What food do they often eat for lunch?

  • They often eat 生魚片 for lunch, because they say it.

The place they often go to after school?

  • I think the place they often go to is the ocean after school because their school is near the ocean.

What is the thing that they really want to buy?

  • Their parents might be a fisherman or have a restaurant

What is one of their dreams in life?

  • One of their dreams is to be a Youtuber.

This video is talking about the first time I video chat with my client.

My client’s name is 許嘉蓉. I think she is very lively and cheerful. She likes to handmake. Sometimes she wants to buy stickers on Shoppe, but her mom doesn’t buy them for her. She has her own phone too. She will watch Tiktok on her phone. I think her family is not poor, cause she has her own phone. She told me that she likes to watch something scary because she thinks is very stimulating and interesting. I think she will like to watch scary movies is because almost all her whole class likes to watch scary movies, so she likes it too.

This is the hand-drawn sketch of the design for Da Guang client.

This is the version that I made of the design for the first time on the Inkscape.

This video is talking about the second time that I video chat with my client.

This is the version that I made of the design for the second time on the Inkscape.

This is the old version of the design that I make in Blender

This video is talking about the thrid time I video chat with my client.

This is the final version of the design I made in Blender.

Background Story for DaGuang Toy

English Version(英文版)

Once upon a time, there was a hamster kingdom. There was a hamster named Lily. Lily was the princess of the hamster kingdom. Lily’s dad was the king of the hamster kingdom, and her mom was the queen. Lily liked to wear her pink dress and her black shoes. She always had her bag with her because she always put her phone in her bag. Lily had a problem with her ears, so when her friends and family called her, she could not hear it sometimes. Therefor, Lily always put her ears up to let her more easily hear people talking.

Chinese Version(中文版)


Those picture is the picture that I make for making the box.

This video is the last time that I talk with my client.

This is the 3D version of my Da Guang design for my client.

  • yuna-wu-daguang.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 23:38
  • by yuna.wu