
The Environment and Politics

by ron liu


The speaker of EQPF told us about many different types of environment: natural, humanistic, and man-made. He is a person who works in environmental protection groups. We have obtained a lot of information from Teacher Cheng, so today we will use this information to discuss our daily life. Things that happen but are rarely noticed.

The teacher said that the man-made environment is generally seldom mentioned. The environment usually refers to the urban and natural environment. The artificial environment is like air-conditioning. It is called an artificial environment to make yourself more comfortable. The teacher also talked about affairs and politics with others. Politics is the knowledge of many people's groups and the environment. The teacher also gave examples of the story of three people becoming tigers, and the culture of Eastern and Western people in determining things and public affairs, such as elections. In recent years, there have been referendums. Citizens have to stay there for more than half a year, have local passports, and have to reach a certain age. We also discussed the difference between citizenship and public affairs.

The teacher said whether we can determine the living environment of the future people? Regarding the determination of the future environment, I also talked about ecological politics and political ecology. The teacher emphasized that these two are different. The difference is that “ecological politics” is a public affair that prioritizes ecology, and 70% are discussing ecology. Political ecology is to pursue politics first, pay attention to society and economy, and 30% discuss politics. When talking about the relationship between the environment and politics, the earth is a system, and all the big and small things on the earth will affect each other’s quality public policies. For example, when discussing the public environment, we should communicate rationally. It is also said that what is most commonly discussed in Taiwan is Energy, because Taiwan lacks electricity, most of the energy is imported. Finally, he talked about environmental communication. The teacher also mentioned that only three of the current 20 referendums are related to the environment.

Environmental communication is “to disseminate information related to the environment and implement communication practices. Initially, environmental communication was a narrow field of communication. Today, however, it is a broad field that includes information on how different actors conduct on environmental-related topics. Interaction and the study of how cultural products affect society to solve environmental problems.“ Environmental communication also includes the interaction between humans and the environment. This includes a wide range of possible interactions, from interpersonal communication and virtual communities to participatory decision-making and environmental media reporting.

In the end, I think we should avoid creating unnecessary trash and order less takeaway. Everyone does a small thing and it becomes a great power. So we should really pay more attention to the surrounding environment and protect it.


EQPF 的人來演講告訴我們許多不同類型的環境:自然的、人文的和人造的。他是一個在環保團體工作的人。我們從Cheng老師那裡得到了很多信息,所以今天我們就用這些信息來討論我們的日常生活。發生但很少被注意到的事情。

老師說人造環境一般很少提到。環境通常是指城市和自然環境。 人工環境就像空調。它被稱為人造環境,使自己更舒適。老師還和別人談事談政治。政治是許多人的群體和環境的知識。老師還舉例說明了三個人變成老虎的故事,以及東西方人在決定事情和公共事務上的文化,比如選舉。近年來,公投不斷。公民必須在那裡逗留半年以上,持有當地護照,並且必須達到一定的年齡。我們還討論了公民身份和公共事務之間的區別。




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  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:35
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