
Ron Liu

Hi, My name is Ron.

I think my communication and teamwork skills got better because I play games and for games, communication is important so I spend some time learning that by myself, my teammate is Steve, so he makes our teamwork better because he reminded us of so many things, thanks, Steve.

I want to improve my work, try to make something new every day, and also improve my mindset because the mindset is very important. I learned a mindset from playing games. Having a good mindset is very important because, in my experience, mindset can change anything in real life and in games, for example, the game I play is called Fortnite, you have to be smart in the game if you want to get better at this game. I spend 4 months learning “How to actually get better.” In the beginning, I practiced every day by watching pros play and how they play and I got better but every time I lost, I got super mad, and everything about my life got worst. I start to spend more time playing, watching more videos about how to improve, and 2 months ago I'm still the same. so I start to stop for playing a few hours take a rest and think “How do I actually improve”, and also ask my friends like Ben, I think he helps me a lot this time, not just about getting better at games, I think he saved my whole life. I start to think things differently and then, I found out playing smart is important using brain is important so I start to think and I found out “mindset”, so I start to improve my mindset like taking a rest and doing something else go outside to have fun do the things that Ben's told me to try and even my homework I start to do homework at the end of the semester like writing and I also feel doing homework is not wasting my gaming time. For me mindset Its the most important thing to improve first, so Thank you so much, Ben.

This semester we talked about recycling and reuse. I already know recycling is important, and also everyone already knows the basic things about recycling, But I used to be lazy to separate the trash, but this topic make me more careful about the trash so start to try not to be lazy even I still don't want to do but I try to separate the trash and a few weeks ago I can do this every day,


我想改進我的工作,嘗試每天創造新的東西,同時也改善我的心態,因為心態非常重要。我從玩遊戲中學到了心態很重要,有正面的心態非常重要,因為根據我的經驗,心態可以改變現實生活和遊戲中的任何事情。例如我玩的遊戲叫做 Fortnite 如果你想在這個遊戲中變得更好,你必須在遊戲中變得聰明。我花了 4 個月的時間來學習「如何真正變得更好」。一開始我每天練習看職業選手的比賽,然後我變得更好了。但是如果我輸了我都會生氣,並且我生活中的每一件事都變得更糟。我開始花更多的時間玩,看更多關於如何進步的影片,2個月後我還是一樣沒變,所以我開始停下來玩幾個小時休息一下,想想我如何真正改進也問了我的朋友。像是Ben,我認為這次他對我幫助很大,而不是在遊戲中變得更好。我認為他幫助了我的「心態」,所以我開始改善我的心態,比如休息一下,做些別的事情、出去玩,做一些Ben要我嘗試的事情,甚至是我的回家功課。我在學期末開始做回家功課,比如寫作文,最後我也覺得做作業不會浪費我的遊戲時間,對我來說先改進心態是最重要的,所以非常感謝Ben。

本學期我們討論了回收和再利用。 我已經知道回收很重要,大家也已經知道回收的基本知識了,但是我以前很懶得做垃圾分類,但是這個話題讓我更關心垃圾所以開始嘗試。即使我還是很懶不想做,但我試著做,幾週前我每天都可以這樣做.

  • ron-liu.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 19:17
  • by larissa.kuo