
Epoxy Resin

by Ron Liu 中文版

The science class of this semester I think was kind of fun, but at the same time is also hard , because there are so many words that I never used and heard even in Chinese,so I was confused at the beginning of each science class.

I remembered the last science class we did the epoxy resin mixture to cast into the silicone mold, Teacher told us if u touch the epoxy resin it will be hard to clean, at that time I did touch the epoxy resin cause i was mixed the things, and this also scared me at the first time cause i thought it will takes a long times to clean my hand,I think if we can focus on a things it will be safer because if r chatting this is what will happen I touch the epoxy resin.

The Materials we need are silicone mold, epoxy resin, hot water, curing agent,color dye and grass or glitter. and the first step is remove the silicone mold and than mix the epoxy resin and the third step is put the mixture inside hot water and put the mixture into the silicone mold and the last step is wait for a day and take out the dried resin mixture.

In my opinion Science is fun, hard and dangerous, if we don't follow instructions we make mistakes but the point is sometimes the science stuff can hurt people , like the skin, so we are always wearing gloves, it's very important to protect yourself during the science class. I think another important things of science is communication, If a team always chatting and always fighting that is not a good team cause it will be dangerous if they can't communicate they can make mistake they hurt them self ,some science stuff also smells bad and can be dangerous too

its so many things we haven’t learn and science it's also very cool, I think when I with steve at the same team for me it will be good cause it's safer and also he can remind some things, I feel science class not only how to do the science it also help me learn some basic things.







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  • ron-liu-science.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:35
  • by yiler.huang