
Toy for QingShan: Maze of Recycling

This is our final product.

We guessed about what our client would be by doing online research on their schoool.

First time talking to the clients.

Notes from meeting with client.

  1. The toys should be interactive and fun not just look good because during their free time they play with fast paced games. So the toy I make should be usable not just look goof
  2. The toys should be made out of common colors balck, white, gold, blue and pink because they said that they liked those colors. So, if I make a toy that is ot an animal I should use these colors and colors that are similar to it.
  3. They like animals like mammals because all of the animals they listed are mammals. So, if I decide that I want to make a toy that looks like an animal I should pick a mammal.
  4. They like animals that move a lot so the the toy should be an animal that is fast. So, if I decide that I want to make a toy that looks like an animal, I should pick a fast mammal.
  5. They like things that move quickly based on the animals they chose and the games they play. So the toy I make should look like something that can move quickly.
  6. Based on the jobs they picked, we can know that they like big flash jobs, job names that gain attention. (Jobs they picked: Dinosaur researcher,} King, Princess and pilot) So, the toy I make should be flashy and gain their attention easily.

Drawing it on the computer.

Meeting with clients to show our drawings.

REvising our drawing.

Making our drawings into 3D models.

Planning the meeting. - How are you going to start this meeting?

  1. We will greet them and allow Brendan to explain his game.
  2. What further kind of information will you hope to get?
  3. What colorschemes and patterns they like so we will have pictures. For example, squares with purple outline and black fill.
  4. How can you ensure that you get the information you are looking for?
  5. We can allow Brendan to use his little game. The game will make competition between the groups by making them compete against the other groups to see who can answer the most questions and give the best answers. The reward is that after they answer all of our questions well, they get to ask us questions too.
  6. How are you going to stop your client from losing focus on the meeting?
  7. Use the little game, remind them why we are doing this, remind them of the toy and remind them they can ask us questions after. We can also, interact with them in a friendly way, show visuals of the color schemes and the product. Visuals might be more appealing compared to words.
  8. What are some physical limitation details of your design that you are worried about? (3d printing difficulties).
  9. It can be quite a big square because we are printing the pieces. All the pieces are with clear 90 degree angles. I am sure about that because I only constructed the pieces with squares. However, some of the pieces are weird shapes so even if they are all 90 degree angles we might need to print supports to allow it to print with a greater rate of success. I might want to do some research about how to 3D print things well.
  10. What are some details about your design that you are not sure your client will like?
  11. They might not like how much they need to use their brain but I believe it is good for their development and growth. I am not sure that they will like it at all, uit depends on what kind of kids they are.
  12. What are some details about your design that you are not sure your client will understand in the way you hope they will?
  13. The puzzle part I am not sure if it will be too hard for them but the more determine kids will figure it out. The maze will be easier. I am not sure that they will understand that this is just a first draft. They might be quick to judge and form conclusions which will not be good for us.
  14. Detailed plan
  15. Play games with them.
  16. Use kid language.
  17. DO not be fierce.
  18. Talk about things they like.
    1. Famous youtubers.
    2. Talk about video games.
    3. Talk about school try to connect with them.
  19. Brendan will act like a kid.
  20. Prompts
  21. Show the maze part.
  22. Explain ideas well.
  23. Color schemes show Picture or Picture
  24. Ask if they think this is too hard or if we should make this easier.

More planning.

  1. If they recycle.
  2. If they understand the concept of recycling.
  3. If they understand our game concepts.
  4. If they understand our game is going to be in 3D not just something flat.
  5. If they understand the point of the game is recycling.
  6. If they understand how to win.
  7. If they understand what the purple holes are.
  8. Where the balls should go.
  9. How many balls there are

Finalizing 3D design.

Pictures taken from onlien meetings.

  • qingshan-maze-of-recycling.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 19:15
  • by steve.wang