
Lucas Tam

Hello, I'm Lucas. This semester I have felt like I've grown more as a person. The other day, I was walking to the bus stop and I saw a delivery guy drop some boxes. I hesitated to help but, I still helped him with the boxes and I felt good. I also felt like I have grown in programming. Before this semester all I knew was console.log. Now I know how to code over 100 flowers in p5.js. I'm may still be bad at programming, but I feel like I've grown a lot. I have also felt like I have grown in a game called Fortnite. I have improved a ton and got better at communication. When we play, talking is very important because you need to know where your enemies are in order to win. If I don't communicate with my duo or trio enough, we will not succeed.

An area I would like to improve in next semester is speaking louder. Every time I speak everyone complains about me not saying it loud enough. Even though I always feel like I'm speaking loud enough people still say, “What?”. It can get frustrating and annoying at some times so that's why I need to improve on this. If I do speak louder people will start to understand me more and I can finally not feel as annoyed.

This semester we talked about recycling and reuse. We also went to a recycling center that was interesting for me. There were people older than my 77 year old grandpa and were digging there hands in garbage for the good of the people. This made me feel happy that they want the environment to become healthy and that they enjoy what they do. I also learned that recycling and reusing can be used to create new value from old things. If I give away my old PS4 console to a family with not much money, they probably would of thought that created value for them. I also learned that many thing that considered useless create value for others. When we listened to Mark from the manufacturing company, he showed us some cool shirts and shoes made from parts of trash. After seeing this, I felt very interested in what it would feel like to wear clothes made from parts of trash everyday.

你好,我是盧卡斯。這學期我覺得我作為一個人成長了更多。前幾天,我走到公車站,看到一個送貨員丟了一些箱子。我猶豫著要不要幫忙,我幫他拿箱子,我感覺很好,我也覺得自己在編程方面有所成長。在本學期之前,我只知道 console.log。現在我知道如何在 p5.js 中編寫 100 多朵花。我可能仍然不擅長編程,但我覺得我成長了很多。我也覺得我在一款名為 Fortnite 的遊戲中成長了。我已經改進了很多,並且在溝通方面變得更好了。當我們比賽時,談話非常重要,因為你需要知道你的敵人在哪裡才能獲勝。如果我不與我的二人組或三人組進行足夠的溝通,我們就不會成功。


本學期我們討論了回收和再利用。我們還去了一個對我很感興趣的回收中心。有些人比我 77 歲的爺爺還年長,他們為了人民的利益正在那裡挖垃圾。這讓我感到很高興,因為他們希望環境變得健康並且他們喜歡他們所做的事情。我還了解到回收和再利用可以從舊事物中創造新價值。如果我把我的舊 PS4 主機送給一個沒有多少錢的家庭,他們可能會認為這為他們創造了價值。我還了解到,許多被認為無用的東西會為他人創造價值。當我們聽製造公司的 Mark 講話時,他向我們展示了一些用垃圾部分製成的很酷的襯衫和鞋子。看到這個之後,我很想每天穿著由部分垃圾製成的衣服是什麼感覺。

  • lucas-tam.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/18 23:03
  • by brendan.hsu