
Lucas Tam's Thoughts on Trash, Materials, and Value

I sold a towel for 20 NT. This was actually a accident. I sold some shirts and pens to get rid of space. I put all the shirts and pens in one bag, but I also put a towel in because it was hot outside. When I was selling I saw my towel, but did not say anything because I would've gotten more money.

我賣了一條毛巾 20 新台幣。這實際上是一個意外。我賣了一些襯衫和鋼筆來騰出空間。我把所有的襯衫和筆都放在一個袋子裡,但我也放了一條毛巾,因為外面很熱。當我賣的時候,我看到了我的毛巾,但什麼也沒說,因為我會得到更多的錢。

I colletced all of the trash that was lying around my house. We weighted and counted the amount of trash, then we made an infographic for it.


Talking about a toy that I always used when I was a kid. The toy I used was a ball and the ball helped me get better at basketball.


Trying to guess about the toys my parents played with as a kid.


This is a audio recording about me interviewing my mom about her childhood toys.



This is a video of me talking about items in our home that don't create value.


Talking about 2 items that I don't need anymore and is just taking up space at my home.

談論我不再需要的 2 件物品,只是佔用了我家的空間。

Me buying, selling, and looking at stuff at a second hand store named Hard-Off.

我在一家名為 Hard-Off 的二手店買東西、賣東西、看東西。

My thoughts and feelings about our Hard-Off trip.

我對 Hard-Off 之旅的想法和感受。

  • lucas-tam-stuff.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 19:56
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