
Discussing About My Thoughts on Value And The Meaning of Things

By Lucas Tam


Does ice cream create “value”? I first thought value was just something that a person owned and thought “things” were just things. Value is something that is really important to you and “things” are emphasized by stuff. I am probably not entirely correct about this because I am still a curious kid. This can be important because maybe you think that something has value to you even though it does not. You can save money and sell the item that has no value. Also, things can be anything in the world. Things can be used for saving the environment or saving lives. You should listen to me because if you try to think about the meaning of these two words, then you will have a better life. Here are some of my experiences including trash being used to create value, looking around my house to see what to keep or throw away, and my trip to Hard-Off.

Anything in this world can be value to us, but sometimes you aren't thinking that way. Before, I thought that trash was not useful. Now I think trash can be useful if you use it correctly. Recently, I learned that trash can be used to create clothes, shoes, hotels, and more. This really shocked me because I never knew trash could be used to create such valuable stuff. I also saw some shoes that's material was made out of trash called the Space Hippies by Nike. It looked really cool and I was thinking that I could get it one day.

Now, I will be talking about looking around in my house to see what we keep or throw away. I lived in the US for 12 years and moved to Taiwan for only about a year so I do not have much stuff. But when I looked around my house and thought, I saw many things that I wanted to keep. I wanted to keep the fridge, wifi box, rice cooker, PS4, TV, and bed. All of these items created value to me and was always important to me. Some things I did not want to keep were old pens, worn out clothes, etc. These items did not create value for me but could create value for others. For example, I could sell my old pens or old clothes to young kids whose families don't have enough money to provide clothes and materials for their children.

One day we went to a store called Hard-Off. Hard-Off is a second hand store where you can sell and buy stuff. For example, I went to sell my old sweaters at Hard-Off and got money back. This basically means that things that you treat as “trash” can be produced in to something that can help you. There are also a lot of things you can buy at Hard-Off. I bought a couple of big stuffed animals and games for only 200 NT. I also saw some nice computers and keyboards for a low price. This means that you can save money by going to somewhere like Hard-Off. When I was on the bus back to school, I finally thought that value was something that you found as important to yourself and not something very luxurious.

All in all, I learned a lot in my experiences about including trash being used to create value, looking around my house to see what to keep or throw away, and my trip to Hard-Off. I found out that so many things that people think don't create value can create value. I learned a lot through these experiences and now have a different thinking of value. Sometimes people don't really care and end up buying expensive stuff that are fake. They also end up not even using it and they waste their own money not others. If you do have anything that creates value, then put good use to it. You should try to look around your house to point out the stuff that has value and stuff that does not have value. Then, you can sell the items that have no value and create profit. If ice cream is important to you, then that means it creates value for you.



然後,我將談論在我的房子裡環顧四周,看看我們保留或扔掉了什麼。我在美國住了12年,搬到台灣只有一年左右,所以我沒有太多東西。但是當我環顧四周並思考時,我看到了很多我想保留的東西。我想保留冰箱、wifi 盒、電飯煲、PS4、電視和床。所有這些項目都為我創造了價值,對我來說一直很重要。有些我不想保留的東西是舊鋼筆、破舊的衣服等。這些東西沒有為我創造價值,但可以為他人創造價值。例如,我可以將我的舊鋼筆或舊衣服賣給年幼的孩子,他們的家庭沒有足夠的錢為他們的孩子提供衣服和材料。

一天,我們去了一家名為 Hard-Off 的商店。 Hard-Off 是一家二手商店,您可以在那裡買賣東西。例如,我去 Hard-Off 賣掉我的舊毛衣並拿回了錢。這基本上意味著您視為“垃圾”的東西可以轉化為可以幫助您的東西。您還可以在 Hard-Off 上購買很多東西。我只花了 200 新台幣就買了幾個大毛絨玩具和遊戲。我還看到了一些價格較低的電腦和漂亮的鍵盤。這意味著您可以通過像 Hard-Off 這樣的地方來省錢。在回學校的公交車上,我終於覺得,價值是你自己覺得很重要的東西,不奢侈也無所謂。


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  • Last modified: 2022/01/18 17:36
  • by lucas.tam