
Toy for Daguang: Jing-Jong the Great 給大光的玩具:靖宗大帝

Jing-Jong by Lucas Tam

This is me trying to guess what my client is like after our first meet with their class.

1. What is their favorite free time activity: The students would run in their freetime because all of the students said their favorite sport was running. 2. Who their favorite star is: Their favorite star is their teacher because they all laugh and enjoy when the teachers do something fun. 3. What they like to watch on YouTube: The students like to watch gaming videos on youtube because most of them are interested in gaming. 4. What food they often eat for lunch: They often eat seafood for lunch because in their presentation they told us about seafood and that they like eating it. 5. The place they often go after school: The students will either go home and rest or go to the beach because they live by the sea. 6. What sort of industries or businesses their parents might work in: The parents are probably fishermen because they live by the sea so they probably catch a lot of fish. 7. Something they really want to buy: The thing they would like to buy is a home so they can become more happy and joyful. 8. What is one of their dreams in life: One of their dreams is to visit the city because they live in the suburbs and close to the beach all day.


1.他們最喜歡的空閒時間活動是什麼:學生們會在空閒時間跑步,因為所有學生都說他們最喜歡的運動是跑步。 2.他們最喜歡的明星是誰:他們最喜歡的明星是他們的老師,因為當老師們做一些有趣的事情時,他們都會笑著享受。 3. 喜歡在 YouTube 上看什麼:學生喜歡在 youtube 上看遊戲視頻,因為他們大多對遊戲感興趣。 4. 他們午餐經常吃什麼食物:他們午餐經常吃海鮮,因為在他們的演講中,他們告訴我們海鮮,他們喜歡吃海鮮。 5、放學後常去的地方:學生們要么回家休息,要么去海邊,因為他們住在海邊。 6. 他們的父母可能從事什麼樣的行業或企業:父母可能是漁民,因為他們住在海邊,所以他們可能會釣到很多魚。 7. 真正想買的東西:他們最想買的東西是房子,這樣他們會變得更快樂更快樂。 8. 他們的人生夢想之一是什麼:他們的夢想之一是去城裡看看,因為他們住在郊區,整天靠近海灘。

Notes about what the client likes and does not like so we know what they want more and what they want less.


She does not play with toys She likes using her phone and her favorite app is instagram. Likes horror movies Was watching Squid Game Likes to draw Wants to be bodyguard Likes swimming Fear of snakes

I think that the toy should be an action figure that can fidget with when she is alone. I think she might be like me because she doesn’t talk too much. She also gave us short answers so she might be a little shy. She uses instagram and her phone alot, so she probably doesn’t socialize or do stuff with friends outside much. The toy should be something she can play for a long time and have fun with being alone.

The toy should be a little bit scary. The toy should be wearing swimming flippers because she likes to swim. The toy should have snakes on it because she thinks snakes are scary. The toy might have a taser because she wants to be a bodyguard. The toy might have a suit because she wants to be a bodyguard and bodyguards wear suits.

她不玩玩具 她喜歡使用手機,她最喜歡的應用是 instagram。 喜歡恐怖片 正在看魷魚比賽 喜歡畫畫 想當保鏢 喜歡游泳 怕蛇

我認為這個玩具應該是一個可以在她一個人的時候坐立不安的人偶。我想她可能和我一樣,因為她話不多。她還給了我們簡短的答案,所以她可能有點害羞。她經常使用 instagram 和手機,所以她可能不常與外面的朋友社交或做事。玩具應該是她可以玩很長時間並享受獨處樂趣的東西。

玩具應該有點嚇人。 玩具應該穿著游泳腳蹼,因為她喜歡游泳。 玩具上應該有蛇,因為她認為蛇很可怕。 玩具可能有泰瑟槍,因為她想當保鏢。 玩具可能有一套西裝,因為她想成為一名保鏢,而保鏢穿著西裝。

Background Story for Jing-Jong 京鐘的背景故事

Jing-Jong was born in the Bronx, New York 1978. He was gifted with special combat and stealth skills that no man or woman had. His father and mother died when he was only 4. His aunt took care of him until he was in elementary school. When he was a kid in elementary school he also found out that he had an IQ of 158. He tried out for the Sang-Sing Martial Arts school in 6th grade. After two weeks, Jing-Jong was already the best in the school. Then one day, he saw a poster about a mysterious group called Beau Gerald. Beau Gerald was a secret group of agents that would go around the world and stop crime. Jing-Jong tried out and the mentors were amazed. He was placed as a trainee and soon became an agent. Jing-Jong would become one of the most talented and famous agents in the world.

Jing-Jong 於 1978 年出生於紐約布朗克斯區。他具有特殊的戰鬥和潛行技能,這是男人或女人都沒有的。他4歲時父母就去世了。他的姑姑一直照顧他,直到他上小學。上小學的時候,他也發現自己的智商是158,六年級就考上了桑新武術學校。兩週後,京鐘已經是全校第一了。然後有一天,他看到了一張海報,上面寫著一個名叫 Beau Gerald 的神秘團體。博杰拉德(Beau Gerald)是一個秘密的特工小組,他們將環遊世界並製止犯罪。景鐘一試,導師們都驚呆了。他被安排為實習生,並很快成為一名經紀人。 Jing-Jong將成為世界上最有才華和最有名的經紀人之一。

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  • lucas-tam-daguang.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 19:14
  • by lucas.tam