
By Lucas Tam

This is my code I made using p5.js. I made a bunch of flowers with different colors and sizes. I used a bunch of ellipse to create the flowers. I used variables to change the color and size. If you look closely, you can see a flower with one of the circles on the outside is missing. I thought it would be interesting to do something like this.

這是我使用 p5.js 編寫的代碼。我做了一束不同顏色和大小的花。我用一堆橢圓來 創造花朵。我使用變量來改變顏色和大小。如果你仔細看,你會發現一朵花,外面有一個圓圈。我認為做這樣的事情會很有趣。

function setup() {
  createCanvas(1700, 800);

let shapes = ["flower", "flowerr", "flowerrt","floweert","flowrrteet"];

let colors = ["red","OldLace","Khaki","CornflowerBlue","SpringGreen","MintCream"];

function pick (inputArray) {
  return inputArray[Math.floor(inputArray.length * Math.random())]

function randomRange (min, max) {
  return min + ((max-min) * Math.random())

function myFantasticFlowers() {
  let shapes = ["flower", "flowerr", "flowerrt","floweert","flowrrteet"];
  return shapes[Math.floor(Math.random()* colors.length)]

function betterBuildArray (n, fillFunction) {
  let outputArray = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  return outputArray

class FantasticFlower  {
  constructor (whichColor) 
  { this.color = whichColor;
    this.shape = pick(shapes);
    this.xposition = randomRange(10,800);
    this.yposition = randomRange(10,800);
    this.size = randomRange(10,200);
  draw () {
    if (this.shapes == "flowerr" && (this.color == "Khaki"))
      {this.size = 170;
    else if (this.color == "random") {this.size = 300;  
    else if (this.shape == "flowerrt" && (this.color == "CornflowerBlue"))
      {this.size = 450;
    else if (this.shape == "floweert" && (this.color == "OldLace"))
      {this.size = 280;
    else if (this.shape == "flowrrteet" && (this.color == "SpringGreen"))
      {this.size = 600;
    else {fill("red")}
   if (this.shape == "flower") {
 ellipse(this.xposition + 56,this.yposition + 42,36,34)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 56,this.yposition + 71,36,34)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 76,this.yposition + 55,33,34)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 80,this.yposition + 80,36,34)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 107,this.yposition + 65,36,34)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 107,this.yposition + 42,36,34)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 80,this.yposition + 25,36,34)
else if (this.shape == "flowerr") {
 ellipse(this.xposition + 26,this.yposition + 25,25,28)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 26,this.yposition +45,25,28)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 46,this.yposition +35,23,28)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 45,this.yposition +58,25,28)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 65,this.yposition +45,25,26)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 65,this.yposition +20,25,28)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 45,this.yposition +13,25,28)
else if(this.shape == "flowerrt") {
  ellipse(this.xposition + 150,this.yposition +250,170,130)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 150,this.yposition +370,170,130)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 250,this.yposition +290,170,130)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 250,this.yposition +410,170,130)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 355,this.yposition +350,170,130)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 375,this.yposition +240,170,130)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 278,this.yposition +190,170,130)
else if(this.shape == "floweert") {
  ellipse(this.xposition + 16,this.yposition + 15,13,13)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 16,this.yposition + 27,13,13)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 25,this.yposition + 22,13,13)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 27,this.yposition + 33,13,13)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 37,this.yposition + 26,13,13)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 35,this.yposition + 15,13,13)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 25,this.yposition + 11,13,13)
else if(this.shape == "flowrrteet")
   ellipse(this.xposition + 16,this.yposition + 15,13,13)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 16,this.yposition + 27,13,13)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 25,this.yposition + 22,13,13)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 27,this.yposition + 33,13,13)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 37,this.yposition + 26,13,13)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 35,this.yposition + 15,13,13)
  ellipse(this.xposition + 25,this.yposition + 11,13,13)

let myShapes2 = betterBuildArray(2500,i => new FantasticFlower("red"));

let myShapes = betterBuildArray(2500,i => new FantasticFlower(pick(colors)));

let last5Red = myShapes2.slice(myShapes2.length-4)
last5Red.forEach(i => {i.size = i.size * 2; i.color = "Crimson"})

let last5Random = myShapes.slice(myShapes.length-4)
last5Random.forEach(i => {i.size = i.size * 2; i.color = "Orange"})

let moreShapes = ["last5Red","last5Random", "flower", "flowerr", "flowerrt","floweert","flowrrteet"]

let allShapes = myShapes2.concat(myShapes).concat(last5Random)
// check buildArray on the wiki to make 10 objects

function draw() {
  //let flower1 = new FantasticFlower();
  //myShapes.forEach(x => x.draw())
  //betterBuildArray (300,myFantasticFlowers)
  //myShapes2.forEach(x => x.draw())
//last5Red.forEach(x => x.draw())
  allShapes.forEach(x => x.draw())

  • lucas-tam-generative.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/24 00:36
  • by renick