
Steve Wang

Hi, I am Steve. I feel like I learned a lot about programming this semester and I have improved in that area. Last semester, I mainly used functions. Now, I use more classes and am better at reducing lag and dealing with more complex things. I have also started learning how to use the terminal in computer and node.js. My math has also imporved and I am very happy about it. Before, to catch up on math, I had to take a lot of lessons, now I only need to focus and class and I can keep up. Life is good.

Next semester, I want to continue improving on programming and just become a better programmer. I am going to start using SVG.js which is more complext than p5.js the programm which we are using. Using SVG.js I plan on creating a tool that can help with the creation of graphs. I also want to keep improving on my math because I realise the importance of it even though I kind of hate it. Another thing I will do is to keep on improving on English.

This semester, our topic was recycling, reuse, and consumerism and I think this is a common topic for schools. However this was a bit differernt from other schools. We had to make a 3D model and print it with recycled pastic. We then went on to make boxes out of recycled materials. Even though I find this topic boring, I learnt a lot from this project. IN the end, I found some parts dull but it was a great experiece.

嗨,我是Steve。 我覺得這學期我學到了很多關於編程的知識,並且在這方面有所提升。上學期,我主要使用函數。現在,我使用了更多的類,並且更擅長減少延遲和處理更複雜的事情。我也開始學習如何在計算機中使用 terminalnode.js。我的數學也有所提升,我對此感到非常高興。以前,為了趕上數學,我不得不上很多課,現在我只需要專注和上課,我就可以跟上。生活很好。

下學期,我想繼續改進編程,成為一個更好的程序員。我將開始使用 SVG.jsp5.js 更複雜的程序我們正在使用。使用 SVG.js 我計劃創建一個可以幫助創建圖形的工具。我也想繼續提升我的數學,因為我意識到它的重要性,儘管我有點討厭它。我要做的另一件事是不斷提高英語水平。

這個學期,我們的主題是回收、再利用和消費主義,我認為這是學校的共同話題。然而,這與其他學校有點不同。我們必須製作一個 3D 模型並用再生膠打印它。然後我們繼續用回收材料製作盒子。儘管我覺得這個話題很無聊,但我從這個項目中學到了很多東西。最後,我發現有些部分很乏味,但這是一次很棒的體驗。

  • steve-wang.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/09/21 17:38
  • by yu.lee