
Steve's Toy for Daguang: The Bloody Ace

We guessed about our clients after talking to them.

  1. What is their favorite free time activity: Running because most of them said that they liked.
  2. Who their favorite star is: Teacher because kids their age usually look up to their teacher.
  3. What they like to watch on YouTube: Gaming videos because when I was their age I watched gaming videos and they play games.
  4. What food they often eat for lunch: Seafood because they live by the sea.
  5. The place they often go after school: Beach because they live by live the sea.
  6. What sort of industries or businesses their parents might work in: Fisherman becasue they live near the sea.
  7. Something they really want to buy: Phones because they might not have phones and they might like to play games on their parent's phones.
  8. What is one of their dreams in life: Work in cities becasue it is more convenient and cleaner in the city.

Meeting with clients for the first time.

creating guidelines after understanding our client

  1. She does not play with toys.
  2. Uses Instagram.
  3. Watches squid game.
  4. Likes to watch scary movies.
  5. Likes to swim.
  6. Fears snakes.
  7. Likes to eat sweet stuff.
  8. Want to become a bodyguard.
  9. Likes to draw.
  10. Has 4 sisters.

I think the toy should not be a minfigure or something that only has good looks. I feel like the toy should be challenging her mind and actually be useful in some way. I think that she might want the toy to be special and new because she has a lot of sisters she might often get second hand stuff. I feel like she might be an introvert because she did not really like to talk much and her answers were short and normal which will not lead to more questions. She also only speaks when spoken to and only says what needs to be said. From that, I will guess that she will enjoy a toy that can be played alone for large amounts of time and looks special.

  1. The toy should be a little bit scary.
  2. The toy should be wearing swimming flippers.
  3. The toy might want to have a few snakes on it because she finds snakes scary.
  4. The toy might have boxing gloves because she wants to be a bodyguard.
  5. The toy might have a suit because she wants to be a bodyguard and bodyguards wear suit.

Hand-drawn sketch of my ideas for the toy.

First drawing on the computer.

Meeting with clients to show our work.

Revising our desgins after talking to the clients.

From 2D desgins to 3D designs.

Meeting with clients for the third time to show our 3D model.

Revising our 3D model.

Interactive 3D version of The Bloody Ace with colors.

Background Story for DaGuang Toy

Writing a background story for our toy. Magnus’s parents, Alice and Greg, were famous magicians. They always did tricks together and were the most amazing magicians. One day, his parents performed with another magician, Ignus. Ignus was jealous of Magnus’s parents fame and money. So, he pretended to do a trick with them. He pulled out a gun and shot them. They died right in front of Magnus. He then disappeared. Everyone clapped when Ignus disappeared because they thought it was a trick. It was terrible for Magnus and he threw away everything that reminded him of that day except his parent’s cards. The cards were stained with his parent’s blood. He then became the Card Throwing Magician to, one day, stain the very same cards with Ignus’s blood. The cards are normal cards but he can kill with it. His hat is a bag he can store his magic props. He wears a mask and a suit to protect his identity. Devoting the rest of his life to fighting crime and finding Ignus.

Pictures of product.

Exit meeting. Last time talking to client.

Pictures gotten from online meetings.

  • steve-wang-daguang.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 19:14
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