
Brendan Hsu

Hi! I am Brendan. Today I will be telling you where I felt that I have grown this semester. I think that my Fortnite game technique is getting better, and my English is also getting better. I also think that my basketball technique is getting better. My movements are getting on track. I also feel that my room became super nice. I like it a lot. I'm a very strong-willed kid too!

I want to improve my Fortnite skills, my work skill when it comes to homework, and also my room! I like my room so much, but I think it can look better so I want to change it up a bit. I also want to learn Apex 鎖爛 from Ingram because he has a youtube called Ingrampig. You guys can go take a look as well.

There is a day that our teacher took us to a garbage disposal area to see how the recycling is done. Guess what I saw? I saw a lot of grandpas and grandmas having to bend over to pick up the trash. When I saw that, I was thinking to myself, “How much garbage do I throw away every day?” So, when we were able to help them, I tried really hard because I create trash too. It's not only their responsibility to clean up for me.

你好!我是brendan,我會告訴你,如果我在這學期有所成長,我認為我的 Fortnite 遊戲技術越來越好,我的英語現在也越來越好。我認為我的籃球技術也變更好,像現在我可以有更多的得分機會,我可以更好地移動。我的房間也變得超級好我非常喜歡它,我也發現我的意志非常堅強。



i have make a toy

  • brendan-hsu.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 18:34
  • by renick