
Toy for Daguang: Ruby

This is my final toy This is my toy in 3d This is my toy in 2d

By Brendan Hsu

The Story Of Ruby


她的故事: RUBY很漂亮,但她希望自己能變得更漂亮,所以她跑去整形。不過整形並不成功,她也因此變得很醜,所以她不斷哭泣。親友們為了給他自信,都一直誇讚她的長相,她逐漸重拾自信,之後從事演藝事業也非常成功。後來,當她被記者採訪時,她分享了自己的經歷,並感謝了身邊給予她支持的人,觀眾們也都被她的故事給感動。


My toy is call Ruby (she was born in the United States on June 19, 1994) The story of my toy is that she is beautiful but she wants to be more beautiful and then she wentgoes to get plastic surgery but!!! Unfortunately, she He failed and he cried because she was ugly so she kept crying and crying but everyone gave herhim confidence and said she She looks good, so she has confidence., and Thenthen, her life becomes very successful, and then when others imitated herhim , She told everything she had experienced, and everyonehe was moved by herhim and she was very thankful that everyone did not hate herhim. , So this story is to tells us that you have to believe in yourself (then behind herhim is an actor acting in action movies and love movies)

Knowing Your Client (writing, just the Da Guang part)

1.running,because they say they like to run at free time and at before i like to run too

2.i thinks is teacher because at that time teacher is my favorite star but know is not

3.i thinks that they look about game because i look game at that time food because in before we can’t take food to school

5.i thinks they will go home they have say it because they live at Sandy beach

7.will i will say is phone

8.some of them say Runner

The answers they gave tell me they are very childish so i think the thing need to be cut and big and it need to have 鬼滅之刃 because they like it a lot

  • brendan-hsu-daguang.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 19:48
  • by brendan.hsu