
by oliver wang

Mr. Cheng talk about a lot of environment, like what is environment? or what is pollution of water and more. Now I'm going to use a short article, to explain what did Mr. Cheng say.

EQPF whole name is “Environmental Quality Cultural and Educational Foundation.” their work is about environmental education, climate change, international exchanges, environmental rule of law, environmental hormones, forests and water.

the thing of logo is hieroglyphs. Hieroglyphs is old version of Chinese writing. First one is wind, second is sun and the last one is water or river, both is ok

What's environment

A lot of people when they talk about environment. They all just think it is nature, pollution and the place that people live, but environment have more thing you don't know. Mr. Chang from EQPF divided environment to three types “nature, man made and cultural” nature environment is not much different of what people think about nature, it's sun shine, air, water, soil, land, mineral, forests and water. About man made environment is when some animal or human build something or change some thing, like house, house is what we build, that is man made environment. Also have an animal build is people make too, that animal is beaver. Beaver's home is man made too.

press the link can watch about Beaver home: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iv92vNFZhS4

Cultural is our Antiquities or relics.

what's pollution of water

Water pollution means that the quality of water is changed due to the discharge of certain substances, organisms or energy into the water, which will affect its normal use or harm people's health and quality of life.

Material water pollution:

The waters of Fengfan Wharf and Duziwei Nature Reserve in Bali District, New Taipei City were polluted by factory operators in early September. The acidity is like hydrochloric acid for cleaning toilets, and Duziwei mangroves are on the verge of dying.

Biological water pollution:

The Laotianliao Creek in Touwu Township, Miaoli County has recently been “occupied” by countless duckweeds, causing local residents to worry about the eutrophic water quality, which will cause ecological catastrophe.

Among the biological water pollution, duckweed is mentioned. Duckweed is an aquatic plant that floats on the water and grows extremely fast.

If you are interested in duckweed: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B5%AE%E8%90%8D

Energy water pollution:

In Jinshan District, New Taipei City, the secret carving fish was first discovered in the drainage outlet of the second nuclear plant. A survey conducted by Mr. Shao Guangzhao from the Academia Sinica in 1993 showed that the main reason was the warm drainage of the second nuclear plant.

The water pollution is a type that how man made environment effects nature environment. And we all need to live in the nature environment, so we gotta control man made environment to protect nature environment. Also have an example for how we effects nature too much, so that we can’t live at there. The example is the place that at japan, and It calls “Fukushima”. At 2011/03/11 “Fukushima” nuclear factory because of earthquakes, so the nuclear fusion has been destroyed. After that there has too much radiation, so there cannot live people anymore until now it start has some people restart live at there again.

chinese version

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  • oliver-explaining-the-eqpf-presentation-by-mr-cheng.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:32
  • by yiler.huang