
This Movie is So Bad That it Will Make You Not Want To Watch it

By Lucas Tam


Garbage! We watched the movie “City of Lost Things” directed by a Golden Horse Award winner Yee-Chih-yen. But, the movie was disappointing and terribly presented. Here is a review about the plot and problems of the movie as well as possible solutions to the problems.

First of all, the plot of this movie is that a troubled boy named Leaf runs away from home and all of a sudden ends up in Trash City. Trash City is a city full of trash items that are alive. All the trash items in Trash City are trying their hardest to flee from a garbage truck. The animation style was 3D just like Toy Story.

Then, the problems of the movie made this movie hard to watch. First, the introduction to the movie was very confusing. I felt very weird after the introduction and did not understand how Leaf was all of a sudden in Trash City. The second problem is that I felt like the voice actor for the main character should have known what his character’s personality was. He did not do a good job to act out his emotions and his laugh was horrendous. Another problem was that the flight from Trash City to Taipei was confusing for me. They just showed a city and moved on after. Also, the flight wasn't realistic because Leaf was in the clouds and could breathe like he was on land.

Next, here are some solutions that can make this movie better. For the introduction, they should've spent more time in explaining Leaf's life and how he got to Trash City. If the intro was more smooth and understandable, the movie would have been better. The voice acting problem should have been fixed by the director or the actor himself. The actor should notice that something doesn't sound right or good. The director should have also noticed that the voice actor was acting out the character badly. For the flight, they should have not made them flying above the clouds but should of made them flying where its easier to breathe for a normal human.

All in all, after explaining the plot, problems, and possible solutions, the movie was one of the worst I've ever seen. It had many errors, problems, and bad acting. Next time, they should focus on how realistic it can be and how you can make your actors perform better. If your actors don't give it their 100% when you are the director, then you are a bad director. The movie “City of Lost Things” directed by Golden Horse winner Yee-Chih-yen was a disappointment and terribly told movie. They have many things to fix, but once they are fixed then the movie will become way better. Garbage is in the movie and its also what the movie is.


首先,這部電影的情節是一個名叫葉的麻煩男孩離家出走,突然來到了垃圾城。垃圾城是一個充滿活垃圾的城市。垃圾城的所有垃圾物品都在盡最大努力逃離垃圾車。動畫風格和玩具總動員一樣是 3D 的。



總而言之,這部電影是我看過的最糟糕的電影。它有很多錯誤、問題和糟糕的表演。下一次,他們應該關注它的真實性以及如何讓你的演員表現得更好。如果你的演員在你擔任導演時沒有 100% 付出,那麼你就是一個糟糕的導演。由金馬獎得主怡智妍執導的電影《失落之城》是一部令人失望且講述慘烈的電影。他們有很多事情要解決,但如果他們解決了這些問題,那麼他們的電影就會變得更好。

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  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 19:42
  • by lucas.tam