
A Song that Tells You about the Environment 一首告訴你何謂環境的歌

English version

Are you affected by things around you? It is about how the world is changing and how the environment has been affected by people. Nobody really understands it first, but you will slowly get it once you continue ready.

Not only you, but even elderlies also don't understand about the environment they live in now. I explained the song “Mercy Mercy Me” to my mom, she doesn't really understand at first, but after I explained to her what the lyrics are telling us, she started to understand. She also thinks that the earth is definitely getting worse with all the factories and people not being able to eat or drink clean water.

I definitely think the lyrics are telling us something about the world and how bad it is getting time by time. It is also telling us how we are polluting the ocean and the sky, how the animals are dying because of us. And also nature dying because of us.

I think the music “Mercy Mercy Me” is a really good song to show the world what we need to stop doing and bring back the old times where the skies are still blue and animals are still clean and chirping. Yes, this music makes people feel bad, they tell us about how bad the earth is getting, and how humans are making it worse. It's giving us a feeling that we want to stop and change.

Now that I heard the song, I really do feel bad for the animals and people who are suffering from causes of pollution and unable to drink clean water and starvation. I think what we need to do now is stop pouring oil into the ocean, polluting the sky, and radiation on the ground and the sky.

Chinese version

你們有因為周圍的事物而受到影響的經驗嗎?我們的周圍充滿世界的變化以及環境如何受到人們的影響。沒有人一開始就真正理解環境,但是一旦你繼續準備好,你就會慢慢理解它。有一首歌叫做 “Mercy Mercy Me” ,一開始我對這首歌沒有什麼感想,但只要聽多一點,就會開始理解它。

不僅是你,就連老人家也不了解他們現在所處的環境。 我給我媽解釋了《Mercy Mercy Me》這首歌,她一開始聽不懂,但是當我給她解釋歌詞告訴我們什麼之後,她開始明白了。 她還認為,隨著所有工廠和人們無法吃或喝乾淨的水,地球正在變得更糟。

我認為這首歌的歌詞告訴我們一些關於這個世界的事情,以及隨著時間的推移世界變得多麼糟糕。 它還告訴我們人類如何污染海洋和天空,動物如何因我們而死亡,自然也因我們而死亡。

我認為音樂“Mercy Mercy Me”是一首非常好的歌曲,它向世界展示了我們需要停止做的事情,並帶回湛藍的天空,動物仍然乾淨和鳴叫的舊時代。 是的,這種音樂讓人感覺很糟糕,因為它告訴我們地球正在變得多麼糟糕,以及人類如何讓它變得更糟。 這讓我們有一種想要停下來改變的感覺。

現在我聽到這首歌,我會為那些因污染而無法喝乾淨水和飢餓的動物和人們感到難過。 我認為我們現在需要做的是停止向海洋傾倒石油,污染天空,以及對地面和天空的輻射。

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  • larissa-kuo-mercy-mercy-me.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/22 23:36
  • by scott.chen