
Larissa Kuo

Hello there! My name is Larissa and I am an 8th-grade student studying at the Experimental Junior High Program @ Da'an. We started school just a few months ago, but now our first semester is coming to an end. I felt like this semester is just so much different because of the new types of experiences we had. We made toys with 3D printers and went from a 2D design to 3D to an actual toy, we went to a recycling area to check them out, and also visited one of our partner schools!

I've gone from a person that can't do art to someone that can actually do art if I actually try. So I wish during the next semester, I can improve on my art skills and also my writing skills. This year, we worked on so many art projects that I can't even count. All those projects have made me level myself up. We also worked with two partner schools, we made toys for each and every kid. One of our partner schools is in New Taipei, and the other one is far far away in Kenting. We used 3D printers to print out the kid's toys. We even painted each toy by hand one by one, it is a hard process but everyone worked so hard on them to let the kids like them.

A topic that we talked about the whole semester is recycling, social responsibility, and also new and old value. We visited a second-hand store called Hard-Off to sell our unused stuff. But we also get to see the number of things people have and just get rid of it because they don't like it or they don't need it anymore. We also went to a beach in Taoyuan to check out the algae reefs that will soon be removed so they can build a natural gas receiving station.

你好呀!我的名字是 Larissa,我是一名在 the Experimental Junior High Program @ Da'an 的 8 年級學生。我們幾個月前才開始上學,但現在我們的第一個學期即將結束。我覺得這個學期非常不同,因為我們有了新的體驗。我們用 3D 打印機製作玩具,從 2D 設計到 3D 再到實際玩具,我們去參觀慈濟資源回收區,也參觀了我們的合作學校之一!

我已經從一個不會做藝術的人變成了一個真正可以做藝術的人,如果我認真的去嘗試。所以我希望在下學期,我可以提高我的藝術技巧和寫作技巧。今年,我們參與了太多我數不清的藝術項目。所有這些項目都讓我提升了自己。我們還與兩家合作學校合作,為每個孩子製作玩具。我們的合作學校一所在新北,一所在墾丁。我們使用 3D 打印機打印出孩子們的玩具。我們甚至一個一個地手工繪製每個玩具,這是一個艱難的過程,但每個人都非常努力地製作它們,讓孩子們喜歡。

我們整個學期都在談論的一個話題是回收利用、社會責任以及新舊價值。我們參觀了一家名為 Hard-Off 的二手店,出售我們未使用的東西。但我們也可以看到人們擁有的東西的數量,只是因為他們不喜歡它或不再需要它而擺脫它。我們還去了桃園的一個海灘,看看即將被清除的藻礁,以便他們建立一個天然氣接收站。

  • larissa-kuo.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/09/20 23:17
  • by yu.lee