
Larissa Kuo's Thoughts on Trash, Materials, and Value

Infographics final edition

Show and Tell Toys

My Parents Play with Toys

Toys of generations Past

(My mom didn't want to record her voice, so she told me to write it down.)

1. When I was still in elementary school, there was a movie called Frozen, and a cartoon called 蠟筆小新. When my parents were in elementary school there was a cartoon called 小嬰的故事.
2. I really wanted an entire cooking playset that is like a real kitchen with fake ovens and stuff, but my parents said it was way too big to fit in our house. And I begged them for years but they still wouldn’t let me buy it. I would definitely want to still buy that when I move up myself.
3. When my parents were little, my dad loved toy guns, and he would go all around the place with his favorite toy gun and pretend that he is the police. My mom does not really play with any toys when she was young. Her parents are so busy with their business so she is always helping out or studying.,
4. They don’t think any of their childhood toys affected them, my dad did not become a policeman and he does not want us to be a policeman. My mom did not run a clothing business and she wouldn’t want me or my sister to run a clothing business.
5. I like to collect squishies when I was young, they are so soft and they come in different colors, shapes, designs, and scents. I couldn’t say I was stressed, but I like the feeling of I got what I wanted, it’s like an accomplishment into something I enjoy

Unboxing Intro of Special Items in Your Home

Reuse as a Personal Economic Activity

Visiting Hard-Off

Conclusion, Reuse as a Personal Economic Activity

Thoughts on "Value" and the Meaning Behind Things

  • larissa-kuo-stuff.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/05/04 20:21
  • by yu.lee