
by oliver wang

So this week we went to the 南港喜樂時代電影院 and we watched city of lost thing. I write some my feeling about this movie. For the whole movie I think it wants to send a good message, but I think the way that it talk about story is not very good. There are four reasons why.

Basically it is really bored, if you don’t know what message is this movies want to send. You will just feel this is a very very suck movie, but actually it is. Anyways this movie’s story is around a human kid with a plastic bag. It just suck at the way that they tell story.

I think this movie probably can explain more about main character, because if it don’t explain main character more, then we can’t understand about how main character feel. That might be a problem that makes audiences feel confuse. Also this movie should think about the sound that they use for that film is correct or not, because when we are watching a film that is very stimulating, but it use a sound that is not very stimulating, is becomes funny. This takes me out of the movie. When you use other movie to compare a little bit, the Disney movie coco for example, you can easily see the difference. First it use easiest way to tell audiences he’s family hate music at all but main character very like movie, and then main character at a very sad time find out his grandpa is a music god. He go to the place that worship his grandpa, and then he take his grandpa musical instrument and play a little bit, and then he start his travel at dead man’s world. That is how Coco begin movie, but City of Lost Things Tree just say, “I hate my home, so go to school. I hate school, so I just can go on the street. I hate street, so I realize I don't have anywhere to go at 16 years old“(我討厭我家,所以我去學校。我討厭學校,所以我只能混街頭。我討厭街頭,所以我在我16歲的一天晚上沒有地方去了). It begin a movie like this way so that make me misunderstand why character can met the trash and why trash can talk. Coco is because main character play his grandpa Musical instrument so he go to dead man’s world, and city of lost thing doesn’t explain this that makes me feel weird. And his movie always talking about same thing again and again and again, that make people feel very confuse. Also I feel the plot of this movie is not very well planned. Throughout the whole movie, I feel confused about one thing a lot of time, because they make me feel it world is a normal world, but the main character just suddenly see a plastic bag can talk. And in this movie has a truck call armored car. It can devour people I think that make me feel confused. Inside this movie it also can devour a car inside it, and that doesn’t make any sense so I think it need to explain why armored car can devour people and car.

For the solutions this movie probably can make it so, and it can change the way that they tell the story to a more detail way. And it need to explain more of why plastic bag can talk, because it world is a normal world so the plastic bag shouldn't can talk. And they shouldn’t make the story be embarrassed, like keep saying the same thing over and over a0gain. they should explain everything that is not possible more, cause their world is a normal world.

chinese version

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  • oliver-3-suggestions-to-improve-the-movie.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:33
  • by yiler.huang