
By Anna Yang


The earth provides mankind with many great natural resources, but mankind does not know how to cherish them and asks for resources from the earth. The living things on the earth are not only humans but also many animals. But humans are too smart and waste resources. As a result, many resources are about to be exhausted. If they are not used immediately or preserved, one day the earth's resources will be consumed by humans.

For example, I live in a densely populated city. When I go out during rush hour every morning, I often see the sky clouded with gray. Because too many people drive or ride motorcycles, they emit too much exhaust gas. Everyone will breathe the exhaust gas. So I would like to call on everyone to use public transportation as much as possible to reduce air pollution.

There was also a lot of garbage, and the garbage was not sorted properly. When I was young, my mother told me that there are several types of garbage, such as general garbage, plastic, paper, etc. If we do a good job of sorting will be easier to age the garbage, and it will not cause pollution. The Taiwan government vigorously promotes waste sorting, as a member of the earth. we must start with normal waste sorting. As long as everyone is willing to spend a little time sorting garbage, I believe the earth will get better and better.

To have more living space, human beings have squeezed out the living space of animals. But the smaller the animal’s living space, the easier it is to fight and fight for territory. While building the human living environment, you must also think about where the animals live and what they eat. Animals are also an important part of maintaining the ecosystem.

Human beings live on the earth and don't know how to maintain it, but they keep destroying it. Save a little resource for the earth every day, turn off the lights, don’t turn on the AC when it’s cold. think more about the earth, take time to help with gardening work. enjoy and think about the animals who don’t have a home, build friendly areas where animals can live, etc. Let us work hard for our beautiful home.







  • anna-yang-earth_is_hurt.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/18 00:08
  • by anna.yang