
Anna Yang

I am Anna.

I think the area I grew the most in this semester is Blender(Blender is programming to make 3D things). I make many things with Blender, like my client’s(we make the Christmas gift for Da Guang students; we make the Chinese New Year Qing Shan students) design and walking bear(I make it in my free time in the Blender. Something like the animation). I pay much time in these areas. I like to make tiny treehouses, I can use Blender to conceive then I won’t forget what I want to do. Also, I think my math is improved I can understand most questions in khan academy and I get a hundred for my math quiz. I think I am more serious about my homework. I won't miss homework and I try to fix my homework.

I want to improve something for next semester in my English. Because Blender is used in English, I have to translate the word. It is hard to translate most words, Sometimes I have to ask the teacher. I want to improve my Inkscape(Inkscape is programming to draw something and make something) drawing before I do my design in Blender. I have to make three sides for my design then I can make 3D easier.

In this semester we learn about recycling, reuse, and consumerism. We go to Tzu Chi Foundation, I saw there have many recycling things, like the bottle earth and action figure forest. These things are made and recycled by old Grandma and Grandpa. They come every day; They work up 10 hours each day; They don't get any money. They don't need anything. So, I want young people can use their free time to help them to work. We go to Hard-Off(A store to sell things and use bargain prices to sell them), there have many things and people trying to find something useful and buy some stuff for home.

我認為這學期我成長最多的領域是 Blender(Blender 是一個程式可以製作 3D 的東西)。我用 Blender 做了很多東西,比如我的客戶(我們為大光學生製作聖誕禮和為青山學生製作春節禮物)的設計和行走的小熊(我在空閒時間在 Blender 中製作。 類似於動畫)。我在這些領域花了很多時間。我喜歡做小樹屋,我可以用 Blender 來構思,這樣我就不會忘記我想做的事情。此外,我認為我的數學得到了提高,我可以理解可汗學院的大多數問題,並且我的數學測驗得到了 100 分。我想我更認真地對待我的家庭作業。我不會錯過家庭作業,而且我會努力解決我的家庭作業。

我想在下學期提高我的英語水平。 因為 Blender 使用的語言是英文,所以我需要翻譯某些詞。 大多數單詞都很難翻譯,有時我不得不請教老師。 我在 使用Blender 進行設計之前,我想提高我的 Inkscape(Inkscape 是一個程式可以繪製一些東西並製作一些東西)繪圖技術。 因為我需要先做三個面給我的作品,這能使製作 3D 更容易。

在這個學期,我們學習回收、再利用和消費主義。 我們去了慈濟基金會,我看到那裡有很多回收的東西,比如瓶子做的地球和公仔做的森林。 這些東西都是老爺爺和老奶奶製作和回收的。 他們每天都來;他們每天工作 10 個小時,他們沒有拿任何的錢。無私地為做事。所以,我希望年輕人可以利用他們的空閒時間來幫助他們工作。 我們去了海德沃福,(一家賣東西的商店,以便宜的價格賣掉它們),有很多人想要找到一些有用的東西並買回家。

  • yang-anna.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/09/20 23:19
  • by yu.lee