
Most Interesting Science Class 有趣的自然

By Anna Yang

The experiment I am interested in is Casting Epoxy Resin in mold. If it is successful the result should be like the mold and be solid. In the science class, we should focus on what the teacher said.

In order to prevent the resin from getting on the table, we should spread a layer of newspaper on the table. Then measuring Epoxy Resin and curing agent. When stirring, you can put it in warm water and heat it with water to prevent the formation of bubbles. My idea is to make it feel like a starry sky, so I put in some paints, pour the mixture into the model, and add some different colors. When I have done all of the parts, I can get my personal coaster one day later.

I think the final result exceeded my expectations. After the paint mix, it felt like a little monster. But my mold was too small, I cannot put my water bottle on it.

I think this experiment is very similar to making a mirror cake. With one stroke, the paint will faint no matter how you paint it. I think you can try this experiment before making the mirror cake. It will not waste food and you can also get a unique coaster. Although it cannot be said to be exactly the same, it is very similar.

The experiment class is very fun, and also very dangerous. Although this experiment does not harm the skin, if it breaks, it will be washed away. Fire is very dangerous when used in other experiments, so we have to follow the teacher’s instructions






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  • anna-yang-science.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:16
  • by yiler.huang