
Toy for Daguang: Lost Monument

Knowing Your Client

  • What is their favorite free time activity

I think they will prentice 跳鼓. The reason is there are schools that have 跳鼓隊.

  • Who their favorite star is

I guess it is BTS. The reason is most 5-6 grade students like BTS, maybe their songs are great, they are handsome.

  • What they like to watch on YouTube

I think is 千千進食中. The reason is I have seen a youtube interview for grades 5 to 6.

  • What food do they often eat for lunch

I think they usually eat rice, vegetables, fruit, milk, and a side dessert. This is normal typical school lunch in a public school.

  • The place they often go to after school

I think they might help their parents. Their parents may open a food stand, they help parents to make money.

  • What sort of industries or businesses their parents might work in

I think it is a food stand. 屏東恆春 is near the ocean, There has seafood, They can sell sashimi.

  • Something they really want to buy

Is not a switch or phone. The reason is they have a switch in class, they want to change their Instagram account number.

  • What is one of their dreams in life

They want to be gamers, basketball coaches, sprinter coaches. When we talk to them they tell us.

Video Meet 1

Our first meeting

Creating Design Guidelines based on Customer Communication

  • she like the ocean, she likes to clean the beach with her friend
  • her parent’s job is about Jetski, I think that is why she like the ocean
  • she likes to play basketball
  • she like grass
  • she likes to go out

DaGuang Product Design, hand-drawn Sketch

DaGuang Inkscape 1

Our second meeting

DaGuang Inkscape 2

DaGuang Blender

Video Meet 3

Our third meeting

DaGuang Blender

Background Story for DaGuang Toy

深海The bottom of the sea

  • 神秘且黑暗,擁有許多可怕又稀有的生物Mysterious and dark. There are many scary and rare creatures.


  • 古埃及的遺跡,上面有許多價值連城的寶藏The treasure remains are from Ancient Egypt. There are many valuable treasures in the remains.

潛水艇The submarine

  • 像鳥一樣的潛水艇,建造的人希望它擁有像鷹眼一樣的眼睛,準確的找到獵物It looks like a bird. The creator hopes it can have eyes like an eagle. Find the prey accurately.
  • 有一艘潛水艇,他們準備要去海底的最深處找尋遺落的古埃及遺跡。海底的生物都很兇猛,且都是一級絕種動物,所以不可以傷害牠們。我們需要借助你的力量,幫助潛水艇進入通往遺跡的唯一安全通道,順利地找到遺跡裡的寶藏。
  • There is a submarine. The submarine is going to the bottom of the ocean to find a treasure. Animals at the bottom of the sea are ferocious. They are also close to extinction, so we cannot hurt them anymore. That’s why we need your help. Put the submarine through the safe path so that the submarine can find treasure successfully.

Box background picture + all inner and outer walls

Final Video Meet

  • anna-yang-daguang.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 17:49
  • by anna.yang