
Anna Yang's Thoughts on Trash, Materials, and Value

Infographics final edition

How much trash does each family use? 每個家庭使用多少垃圾?

Show and Tell Toy

What do I like to play were I was a kid 我小時候喜歡玩的玩具

My Parents Play with Toys

what do my parents like to play when they were a kid 我父母小時候喜歡玩的玩具

Toys of generations Past

childhood toys 童年玩具

Unboxing Intro of Special Items in Your Home

The Special thing in my house 我家的特別東西

Reuse as a Personal Economic Activity

reuse trash 再利用垃圾

Visiting Hard-Off

go to Hard-Off 去Hard-Off

Conclusion, Reuse as a Personal Economic Activity

What I think about Hard-Off 我對Hard-Off的想法

Thoughts on "Value" and the Meaning Behind Things

  • anna-yang-stuff.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/05/07 19:04
  • by yu.lee