
My personal experience and impressions at Hard-off

By Anna Yang


If you want to go to Hard-off, I suggest you read this article about my experience first, because I will first describe the things I like and dislike, and then I will talk about the items in my room and the items that I plan to discard. The last is my personal experience and thoughts in Hard-off.

When I was young, I was always greedy for a lot of things. No matter whether they are practical or not, I want to have them. But as I get older, my thoughts are different. Now I tend to use practical things, so when I buy things, It will first consider the demand and how long it can be used, and also whether the price will be too high before deciding whether to buy it. Beauty is my last consideration. Of course, if something is not pleasing to the eye, I will not buy it. In recent years, my values ​​have undergone tremendous changes. I increasingly like that my things can be simple and without burden, so I have donated many of my things, or given away or thrown away the things that I don’t need, and I finished sorting them. Later, I felt a lot lighter and easier, and I was surprised that I had really spent a lot of money on things that I didn’t need and were not practical. Before the tidying up of my room, I always felt that the space was too small, but after tidying up, I felt that there was a lot of space, and the room instantly became bigger. Taking clothes as an example, there are many clothes that cannot be matched together, but they can only be set in sets. I will donate the clothes that I wear and rarely wear.

When I was in Hard-off, I saw rows of goods and many people lined up to sell or buy things. I took my favorite bag when I was a child to sell. Although I was reluctant to give it up, I won’t carry it anymore because it’s outdated. I also saw that the popular things are sold at low prices, and Hard-off is also available. Estimated at 5 yuan, I finally sold it to Hard-off for 5 yuan.

I think Hard-off is still a for-profit company after all, and it still needs to make money. I sincerely suggest that if you sell second-hand items to make money, you should sell them online or in second-hand specialty stores. You can make more money!



我小時候總貪心的想要很多東西,不管實不實用,我都想擁有,但隨著年紀漸長後,我的想法就不一樣了,現在的我傾向實用的東西,所以我在購買東西時,就會先考量需求性,及能用多久,同時也要衡量價格會不會過高,才決定是否購買,美觀是我最後的考量,當然如果東西看不太順眼,我也不會買。 最近幾年,我的價值觀發生了巨大的轉變,我越來越喜歡自己的東西能簡單沒有負擔,所以曾把自己許多東西都捐出去,或將不需要的東西送人或丟掉,整理完後,竟然覺得輕爽又輕鬆很多,也驚覺自己之前真的花費了許多冤望錢在不需要且不實用的東西上。我的房間在整理之前,我一直覺得空間太小,但在整理之後,卻覺得多出好多空間,房間瞬間變大了,以衣服為例,像是很多無法一起搭配的衣服,只能成套的穿,而且很少穿的衣服,我就會捐出去。



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  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:15
  • by yiler.huang