
Company Makes Electric Scooters To Help Save The Environment

By Lucas Tam


Electric things are important because they can save some money, energy, and the world. Last week, Mr. Jiang from Gogoro told us about what its like to work at Gogoro. Gogoro is a company that makes electric motorcycles and wants to help protect the environment. This is important because many people could save the environment with electric motorcycles rather than using motorcycles that cause pollution. If we try to replace our old motorcycles with new electric ones, you can save the environment and look cooler on the road. Last week, Mr. Jiang from Gogoro came and talked about electric cars, the Gogoro power network, and why they made electric scooters.

First, he talked about the history of electric cars. He told us that the first electric car ever made was in 1832 by a guy named Robert Anderson. Electric cars were a big thing through around 1820s to 1900s. But, electric cars started vanishing one day. Basically, electric cars failed and fell off in the 20th century. The electric cars failed because of their high cost, low top speed, short range of battery, and a lack of thereof. Also, a guy named Henry Ford came to Earth and developed a car that revolutionized transportation in America. The electric cars would come back in 1996 when General Motors launched the EV1.

Then, Mr. Jiang talked to us about the Gogoro power network. The Gogoro power network is a open platform for battery swapping and smart mobile services. This makes it easier from motorcyclists to charge their scooter and keep going on their ride. The charging stations for battery swapping can be found all over Taiwan. There are over 2000 charging stations in Taiwan and over 175 million battery swaps too. This could save time instead of sitting at a electric charging station for over 10 min. Gogoro's smart mobile services are an easy and efficient way of finding charging stations in your country. This is anther reason of why you should get one of Gogoro's scooters.

Finally, he talked to us about why they make electric scooters and their story. He said that Gogoro was founded to first build electric cars, but they wanted to do something differently. So they made electric scooters. He told us that these scooters could go faster and did not cause as much pollution as a regular motorcycle would make. He then said that no one believed in Gogoro to make the product. Also, he stated that Gogoro had the blueprint for the product, but how would they make the product. Gogoro would silence all the doubters and make a successful electric scooter. But, many people worried that the scooter was too expensive. Then Gogoro made a scooter that had an affordable price for everyone. But, they also wanted everyone to have a fun time and help protect the environment. This could all make a better world and this is why you should get a electric scooter.

All in all, Mr. Jiang's talk about about electric cars, the Gogoro power network, and why they made electric scooters were all really helpful. You should try to get yourself a electric scooter because its efficient, customizable, cool, and can prevent air pollution. The next step is to go on google and search what Gogoro's features are. You should also try to go to a Gogoro workshop to see how the scooter works. If you do like things that are electric then Gogoro is just for you. You can also save the environment and look cool on the road. Money, energy, and the world is important, this is why you should make the effort to get electric stuff.

你喜歡帶電的東西嗎?上週,來自 Gogoro 的蔣先生向我們介紹了在 Gogoro 工作的感受。 Gogoro 是一家製造電動摩托車並希望幫助保護環境的公司。這很重要,因為許多人可以使用電動摩托車來拯救環境,而不是使用會造成污染的摩托車。如果我們嘗試用新的電動摩托車替換舊摩托車,您可以保護環境並在路上看起來更涼爽。上週,來自Gogoro的蔣先生上週五來到了Gogoro,談到了電動汽車、Gogoro電網、他們為什麼要做電動滑板車、如何高效工作以及他在Gogoro的程序員工作。

首先,他講了電動汽車的歷史。他首先告訴我們,有史以來第一輛電動汽車是在 1832 年由一個名叫羅伯特·安德森的人製造的。從 1820 年代到 1900 年代,電動汽車是一件大事。但是,有一天電動汽車開始消失。基本上,電動汽車在 20 世紀出現故障並脫落。電動汽車由於成本高、最高速度低、電池續航里程短以及缺乏電池而失敗。此外,一個名叫亨利福特的人來到地球並開發了一輛汽車,徹底改變了美國的交通運輸方式。電動汽車將在 1996 年通用汽車推出 EV1 時回歸。

接著,江總跟我們聊了聊Gogoro電網。 Gogoro 電力網絡是一個用於電池交換和智能移動服務的開放平台。這使得摩托車手可以更輕鬆地為踏板車充電並繼續騎行。更換電池的充電站遍布台灣。台灣有超過2000個充電站和超過1.75億次電池更換。這可以節省時間,而不是坐在充電站超過 10 分鐘。 Gogoro 的智能移動服務是一種在您所在國家/地區尋找充電站的簡單有效的方法。

最後,他向我們講述了他們製造電動滑板車的原因以及他們的故事。他說 Gogoro 的成立是為了首先製造電動汽車,但他們想做一些不同的事情。所以他們製造了電動滑板車。他告訴我們,這些踏板車可以跑得更快,而且不會像普通摩托車那樣造成污染。然後他說沒有人相信 Gogoro 會生產這種產品。另外,他說Gogoro有產品的藍圖,但他們將如何製作產品。 Gogoro 會讓所有懷疑者閉嘴,並製造出成功的電動滑板車。但是,很多人擔心踏板車太貴了。然後 Gogoro 製作了一款價格實惠的滑板車。但是,他們也希望每個人都能玩得開心並幫助保護環境。這一切都可以創造一個更美好的世界。

總而言之,蔣老師講的電動車、Gogoro電網、為什麼要做電動滑板車、如何高效工作,以及他在Gogoro做程序員的工作都非常有幫助。你應該嘗試給自己買一輛電動滑板車,因為它高效、可定制、涼爽,並且可以防止空氣污染。下一步就是去google上搜索Gogoro的功能是什麼。您還應該嘗試去 Gogoro 車間看看踏板車的工作原理。我認為電動的東西真的很酷。您可以保護環境並在路上看起來很酷。

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  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 19:44
  • by yiler.huang