
Writing about the Circular Economy

english version

Do you know second-hand stores can sell super exotic stuff? Recently, our whole class went to Hard-Off. Hard-Off is a store where you can sell stuff and buy second-hand. We can also let people buy stuff they need for a cheaper price. So let's see what happened inside.

Going to Hard-Off and selling our useless stuff told me that, I buy a lot of useless stuff and don’t even use it. I am very thankful that Dr.Lee decided to let us get rid of the trash sitting in my house for the longest time ever. Now that I’ve visited and learned a lesson, I finally stop buying useless stuff.

Hard-Off isn’t the best place to buy stuff, but it is in a cheap range for people who don’t have the money to buy the actual stuff. You can find new stuff there, but usually, it is either worn out or broken. But somehow Hard-Off still accepted the object, so I guess they do have a pretty low standard when it comes to the materials.

So going to Hard-Off is actually a very good place for the environment. Maybe not just Hard-Off, but all second-hand stores. This can reduce the number of useless trash people throw away. But at least reselling the stuff so it can be reused instead of burned and wasted.

Every year the country throws away a lot more useless stuff you think they do. So a second-hand store is probably the best place for your still usable useless stuff to be at. Just like Toy Story, each toy gets resold and is given to a new lovely owner. So treat them as a toy and give them a better place to be instead of getting burned.

chinese version

近期,我們班前往桃園Hard-Off進行學習與拍攝的活動。 Hard-Off 是一間專門買賣二手貨品的商店,而顧客可以以更便宜的價格購買他們所需要的商品。


Hard-Off 不是購買東西的最佳場所,但對於沒有錢購買實際/新東西的人來說,它的價格便宜。您可以在那裡找到新東西,但通常情況下,它要麼已磨損,要么已損壞。但不知何故,Hard-Off 仍然接受了這些東西,所以我猜他們對於材料方面的標準確實很低。



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  • larissa-kuo-circular-economy.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:30
  • by yiler.huang