
Whose Job is Environmental Protection?

by Olivia Wang

People always says we need to protect the environment, But who really have to responsible for the enviroment? This time, Mr. Cheng from EQPF came to our school again. What he share with us this time is the “environment and politics”. In this essay we will talk about “The rights and interests in Taiwan”, “Why we have responsibility for the enviroment?”, “The problem we cause to the enviroment?”. Before you start to reading this essay, you should know “What is politics?” Mr. 孫中山, the founding father of Taiwan, believed that politics is matter of everyone, and the matter of everyone refers to a matter that affects many people.

Taiwan is a democratic country. In Taiwan, we have a referendum. Only adults over 18 years old are considered citizens and have the right to vote, the people that is under the 18 years old are classified as children and do not have the right to vote. The reason for the division is that people generally think that eighteen is the age at which people can think rationally and express them completely… But then a question arises, don't children have the rights to speak for themselves? What about the children who will be born in the future? What we do now is closely related to the appearance of the future world. We will affect their world and their resources, so whether they should have rights, and whether we have the responsibility to protect theirs.

Whether it is people now or people in the future, we all live in the same environment and on the same earth. I think allof us should take care of this environment, whether it is for ourselves or for the children and grandchildren in the future. It is not just for human beings. As a race in charge of the entire environment, human beings also have an obligation to protect the environment ofr other race living environment and quality, rather than making them pay for our actions. It is humans who use air-conditioning, but after the ice mountain melts, the race that has no place to live is the polar bear. It is humans who use plastic and invent plastic, but it is the creatures in the ocean that die because of plastic bags…, so I think that since people are the race that consumes the most on the earth, we should take the responsibility of taking care of the environment even more. The greatest advantage of mankind lies in the human brain, but this is also the greatest disadvantage of mankind. Human beings use this brain to achieve themselves, but they also use this brain to destroy themselves.

Back to Taiwan, most of the electricity in Taiwan now comes from coal-fired power generation, because this method of power generation is the lowest cost and most effective method, but at the same time it also produces the most pollution. When we are burning at the same time, a large amount of air pollution will be produced. “Therefore” the Taiwan government decided to establish a natural gas terminal to reduce environmental pollution, but in fact this also has a price. In addition to a large amount of money, the land on which the receiving stations is built is also damage to the environment. Due to the need to ensure the smooth transportation of natural gas, the receiving stations will be built near the coast. This will cause certain damage to the local area. This is also equivalent to culling the creatures living on that coast. So, I believed that the people should think clearly. We keep saying that we must protect the environment, but in order to protect the environment, we harm the environment and pay the piece of a coast. Is this worth it?

At the end, we just talk about “environment and politics”. In this essay we will talk about “The rights and interests in Taiwan”, “Why we have responsibility for the enviroment?”, “The problem we cause to the enviroment?”. In conclusion, the responsibility of environment is everyone's job. Because we all are the one that who live in this environment, so we all need to take care of this environment. Everybody can have different contribute, just like the spider man says “The greater ability, the greater responsibility”.


by Olivia Wang






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  • Last modified: 2022/02/09 00:57
  • by scott.chen