
Gogoro and Electric Vehicles

by ron liu 中文版

He is talking about what is the difference between an electric car and a normal car,and which one is better, will the electric car really be better for the environment, which one do you want to have ,and also talking about how the gogoro works.

So the difference between electric cars and normal cars is that EVs use motors whereas gas-powered cars employ an internal combustion engine. EVs provide low running costs such as fuel and taxes. In addition, they do not emit harmful gases such as CO2, And the gogoro is talking about how motorcycle riders can correctly swap out depleted batteries at a network of kiosks called GoStations for a monthly subscription fee. In my opinion I would like to have an electric car because it is quiet and also more comfortable.

They launched a fightPollution campaign to grab the attention of scooter riders and the global community to the impacts of air pollution. FightPollution is an imperative, a clear statement that our global pollution crisis has grown so severe that without a major change, we will lose. The earth’s atmosphere crossed a record high level of carbon dioxide: 400 parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere. It’s a number that will be tough to reverse, but more importantly, it must be stopped from climbing higher.

Electric vehicles now include cars, transit buses, trucks of all sizes, and even big-rig tractor trailers that are at least partially powered by electricity. Electric vehicles are saving the climate and our lives. Electric vehicles have a smaller carbon footprint than gasoline-powered cars, no matter where your electricity comes from

In my opinion I would like to have an electric car, because Electric vehicles have a smaller carbon footprint than gasoline-powered cars, no matter where your electricity comes from that is why I would like to have an electric car, it's better than the normal car.

今天來班上分享的老師,他是gogoro的工程師,他在說電動車和普通車有什麼區別,哪個更好,電動車真的對環境更好嗎? 他還說到gogoro的工作原理.

所以電動汽車和普通汽車的區別在於電動汽車使用電機,而汽油動力汽車使用內燃機。電動汽車提供低運行成本,例如燃料和稅收。此外,它們不排放二氧化碳等有害氣體,gogoro 正在談論如何在名為 GoStations 的售貨亭網絡上以每月訂閱費正確更換摩托車騎手的電量耗盡的電池。我覺得我想要一輛電動汽車,因為它既安靜又舒適。

他們發起了一場對抗污染的活動,以吸引滑板車騎手和全球社會對空氣污染影響的關注。抗擊污染勢在必行,明確表示我們的全球污染危機已經變得如此嚴重,如果不進行重大改變,我們就會失敗。地球大氣中的二氧化碳含量達到了創紀錄的高水平:大氣中二氧化碳含量為百萬分之 400。這是一個很難逆轉的數字,但更重要的是,必須阻止它爬得更高。



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  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 20:34
  • by yiler.huang